Most of the Homework problems will be mathematical in nature. It is REQUIRED that you write these up in the LATEXword processing package.
LATEXis widely used in engineering and the physical sciences. And did you know that LATEXis used as the math typesetting vehicle in Wikipedia? This is a valuable skill for you to pick up.
You can learn enough LATEXfor this course in just 15 minutes; start at Also, keep in mind that the .tex source files for our textbook are located in the PLN/ directory of our course Web site; if you see something in the book that you wish to see the LATEXcode for, just look in the .tex file and make correspondences with the .pdf file.
Submit BOTH your .tex source file AND your .pdf file with your Homework.
You are urged NOT to appoint one of your group members as the ``designated LATEXwriter.'' EVERYONE in the group should become familiar with the system. There have been huge problems in the past in which group members made changes that resulted in loss of important text, due to LATEXerrors on the part of members not familiar with the system.
It is expected that you do a professional job on your
writeups. It should look clean and organized. You should explain your
steps in prose; don't just write a bunch of equations without
explanation. Use professional notation. For instance, the use of *
for multiplication should be limited to program code--i.e. it should
NOT be used in equations, as it is not math notation. Use juxtaposition
(e.g. ) or the LATEX
(e.g. ) instead.