
Recursion: Example II

In this example, we write a recursive function to determine whether a path exists to a certain destination in a maze.

The maze consists of a rectangular grid of ``streets'' and ``street corners.'' At any given corner, we may or may not be able to turn east, south, west or north. The coordinates of a corner are given as a row and a column number, the top row and leftmost column being (0,0).

The program, and some analysis, follow.

   1  Script started on Mon May 11 19:20:13 1992
   2  heather% cat Maze.c
   5  #define East 0
   6  #define South 1
   7  #define West 2
   8  #define North 3
  11  #define MaxRows 10
  12  #define MaxCols 10
  15  /* there will be one struct for each street corner */
  17  struct StreetCorner  {
  18     int CanWalk[4], 
  19         /* e.g. CanWalk[South] is 1 or 0, depending on whether we can
  20            walk south from here */
  21         FtnCalled;
  22         /* 1 or 0, depending on whether we have previously call the
  23            function from here */
  24  } Maze[MaxRows][MaxCols];
  27  /* the Inc array is used by the function FindNeighbor(); it gives
  28     increments to get from one corner to a neighboring corner; for
  29     example, to go west, use the increments in Inc[West], i.e.
  30     0 and -1 (add 0 to the row number, -1 to the column number) */
  31  Inc[4][2] = {{0,1},{1,0},{0,-1},{-1,0}};
  34  InputMaze()
  36  {  int NRows,NCols,R,C,Dir;  struct StreetCorner *TmpPtr;  char CDir;
  38     printf("enter the number of rows and columns in the maze\n");
  39     scanf("%d%d",&NRows,&NCols);
  41     printf("enter each of the corners, row by row\n");
  42     printf("e.g., the following would mean that at row 5, column 12\n");
  43     printf("   one can turn east or north:\n");
  44     printf("5 12 e n\n");
  45     printf("enter a row value of -1 to signify the end of input\n");
  47     while (1)  {
  48        scanf("%d",&R);
  49        if (R == -1) break;
  50        scanf("%d",&C);
  51        TmpPtr = &Maze[R][C];
  52        for (Dir = East; Dir <= North; Dir++) TmpPtr->CanWalk[Dir] = 0;
  53        while (1)  {
  54           scanf("%c",&CDir);
  55           if (CDir == '\n') break;
  56           switch (CDir)  {
  57              case 'e':  TmpPtr->CanWalk[East] = 1; break;
  58              case 's':  TmpPtr->CanWalk[South] = 1; break;
  59              case 'w':  TmpPtr->CanWalk[West] = 1; break;
  60              case 'n':  TmpPtr->CanWalk[North] = 1; 
  61           }
  62        }
  63     }
  65     for (R = 0; R < NRows; R++)
  66        for (C = 0; C < NCols; C++) TmpPtr->FtnCalled = 0;
  67  }
  70  FindNeighbor(SR,SC,D,NRA,NCA)
  71     int SR,SC,D,*NRA,*NCA;
  73  {  *NRA = SR + Inc[D][0];
  74     *NCA = SC + Inc[D][1];  }
  77  /* here is the maze function; it returns 1 or 0, depending on whether
  78     one can get to (DstR,DstCol) from (StrtR,StrtC) */
  80  int CanGetThere(Mz,StrtR,StrtC,DstR,DstC)
  81     struct StreetCorner Mz[MaxRows][MaxCols];
  82     int StrtR,StrtC,DstR,DstC;
  84  {  int Dir,NghbrR,NghbrC;
  85     struct StreetCorner *TmpPtr;
  87     /* are we already at the destination? */
  88     if (StrtR == DstR && StrtC == DstC) return 1;
  90     /* point a pointer to this corner, for less cluttered code and
  91        less typing */
  92     TmpPtr = &Mz[StrtR][StrtC];
  94     /* record that we have been here */
  95     TmpPtr->FtnCalled = 1;
  97     /* can we get there by taking our first step in any of the four
  98        directions? */
  99     for (Dir = East; Dir <= North; Dir++)  
 101        /* try this direction, if can walk that direction */
 102        if (TmpPtr->CanWalk[Dir])  {
 104           /* find the coordinates of the first corner in that direction */
 105           FindNeighbor(StrtR,StrtC,Dir,&NghbrR,&NghbrC);
 110           /* OK, let's ask (if we haven't asked before) whether it is 
 111              possible to get to our destination from the neighbor-corner */
 112           if (!Mz[NghbrR][NghbrC].FtnCalled)
 113              if (CanGetThere(Mz,NghbrR,NghbrC,DstR,DstC)) return 1;
 114        }
 116     /* too bad; none of the four directions worked */
 117     return 0;
 118  }
 121  main()
 123  {  int StartRow,StartCol,DestRow,DestCol;
 125     InputMaze();
 126     printf("enter street corner, destination corner\n");
 127     scanf("%d%d%d%d",&StartRow,&StartCol,&DestRow,&DestCol);
 128     if (CanGetThere(Maze,StartRow,StartCol,DestRow,DestCol))
 129        printf("Good news!  You can get there from here.\n");
 130     else
 131        printf("Too bad; it's impossible.\n");
 132  }
 135  heather% cc -g Maze.c
 136  heather% cat g1
 138  3 3
 139  1 0 e
 140  1 1 n
 141  0 1 e w
 142  2 0 n e
 143  -1
 144  2 0 0 0
 146  heather% a.out < g1
 147  enter the number of rows and columns in the maze
 148  enter each of the corners, row by row
 149  e.g., the following would mean that at row 5, column 12
 150     one can turn east or north:
 151  5 12 e n
 152  enter a row value of -1 to signify the end of input
 153  enter street corner, destination corner
 154  Good news!  You can get there from here.
 155  heather% cat g2
 157  3 3
 158  1 0 e
 159  1 1 n
 160  0 1 e w
 161  2 0 n e
 162  -1
 163  2 1 0 0
 165  heather% a.out < g2
 166  enter the number of rows and columns in the maze
 167  enter each of the corners, row by row
 168  e.g., the following would mean that at row 5, column 12
 169     one can turn east or north:
 170  5 12 e n
 171  enter a row value of -1 to signify the end of input
 172  enter street corner, destination corner
 173  Too bad; it's impossible.
 174  heather% e
 175  heather% 
 176  script done on Mon May 11 19:21:13 1992

Let's first see the program in action (Lines 146ff).

Note first that on Line 147 I took my ``keyboard'' input by redirecting from a file, g1. This was for convenience, because I didn't want to keep typing all the input each time I made slight changes in the input. However, it makes the output look a little funny here, since the ``enter'' prompts (Lines 147, 148, 152, 153, etc.) appear to get no response from me! That is because all my responses are in the file g1, which I displayed in Lines 138ff for you to see.

When I ran the program on the input-file g1, I got a positive answer (Line 154). However, with g2, I got a negative answer (Line 173). You should verify that the program did indeed give me the correct answer in both cases.

Now, let's look at the program itself.

Lines 15-24: Here is the main data structure. We define an array of these structs, one for each corner (Line 24).

footnote: Note the difference between StreetCorner, which is a type, and Maze, which is a variable (actually an array of variables) of that type.
As the comment (Lines 19-20) implies, the array CanWalk tells us whether we can turn in each of the four directions, for the given corner.

The field FtnCalled (Lines 21-23) is more subtle. Remember that any recursive function needs to have some stopping-device, lest it go on forever, making infinitely many calls. In this case, the field FtnCalled will help us, because it tells us whether we have called the function from this corner before; if we have done so, we won't do so again.

The main program (Lines 121-132) doesn't do much, other than call the functions. It inputs the maze and the starting and destination points, calls the function (Line 128), and reports the results.

Our major focus is on the function, which is recursive. What we do is say this:

We can answer the question, ``Can we get to the destination from here?'' by polling our neighbor corners, and asking whether we can get to the destination from any of them.'' If the answer is yes for at least one of them, then the answer is yes for our corner too.

So, Line 99 looks at the four potential neighbor corner--``potential,'' because we might not be able to get to some of them from our corner; this is checked on Line 102. On Line 113, that is where we actually ask the neighbor corner; if they say yes (return value is 1), then we say yes (we return a value of 1).

As explained earlier, there is no point in calling the function from a place we have tried before (Line 112).

Note also that there is no point calling the function if we are already at our destination (Line 88)! This again stops us from getting into an ``infinite recursion.''

Make sure you understand why the ampersands are needed for the last two parameters in the call to FindNeighbor (Line 105), but not the first three.

Norm Matloff
Wed Nov 8 17:35:59 PST 1995