Norm Matloff's Enhanced Version of the POSYBL Implementation of the Linda Parallel Processing Environment

POSYBL is a public-domain implementation of the Linda parallel processing environment, running on Ethernets.

The original package is available at the Finland site. This Web page provides access to Professor Norm Matloff's somewhat enhanced version of the package. Within the same directory, please download the the original package (mirrored here) and also my enhancement package, which contains the following:

Then in this directory do the following:

gunzip -c POSYBL.tar.gz | tar xf -
gunzip -c NMSuppFiles.tar.gz | tar xf -
cd POSYBL/src
cp ../../NMsys_util.c sys_util.c
cp ../../NMtmanager.c tmanager.c
cp tmanager startup system ../bin
cp libposybl.a ../lib
cd ../bin
cc -g -o POSYBLFrontEnd ../../POSYBLFrontEnd.c ../lib/libposybl.a
cc -g -o PrimeWorker ../../PrimeWorker.c ../lib/libposybl.a

Read the POSYBL notes by Dr. Matloff to see how to use POSYBL.

Other software Web sites by Norm Matloff: