ECS 256 Term Project

Problem A:

Here we will model a health maintenance organization (HMO) advice system. Nurses field calls from patients, who describe their symptoms. Advice might be to, say monitor the situation for another day, make an appointment with a physician or whatever. Here are the variables (note: probability convention is capital letters for random variables) and parameters (lower-case).

Using parameter values, and especially success criteria, of your choice, investigate the effects of varying the parameters.

Problem B:

Here you will explore the value of using the Method of Stages (MoS) to circumvent the restriction that event times in continuous-time Markov chains must have exponential distributions. The method itself is described in the blog post of Oct. 28, 1625.

The question you will address is simple:

Is the MoS an accurate and feasible approach to the problem of nonexponential distributions in Markov chains?

This problem is highly open-ended. Make sure to stick to this central issue, though: How well does the MoS work for Markov chains? Do not simply investigate the question of whether the MoS is a good approximation to a nonexponential distribution in its own right.