Problem Set 2: Markov chains

Due Wednesday, October 19, 11:59 pm


Consider a finite-state space, aperiodic Markov chain with transition matrix P. Our textbook shows a way to find the stationary probability vector π that is alternative to the usual method that solves a system of linear equations. Say the matrix is of size r x r. The thrust of the argument is as follows:

Investigate the accuracy of this approach, as follows:


Consider the states of a Markov chain over time, X0, X1, X2, ..., with the state space being some subset of the set of all integers, which we will take to be 1,...,m. Suppose the chain has a stationary distribution π, and that X0 has this distribution.

There is a term from time series analysis, autocorrelation: ρ(k), defined to be the correlation beteen Xi and Xi+k. Note that this quantity depends only on k, not i.

  1. Explain why there is no dependence on i (.tex file).
  2. Write an R function with call form


    (Note that an argument m is not needed. Explain why.)


Consider the ALOHA model with 3 stations. Derive the long- run average time between collisions. Expression your answer in terms of p, q and π, and evaluate for the case p = 0.4, q = 0.3. Show your reasoning in a .tex file.


Consider a Markov chain with finite state space.

  1. Write an R function with call form

    eTij(P)  # P is the transition matrix

    giving the values of ETij.

  2. Do the same for variance, writing a function
    varTij(P)  # P is the transition matrix

    that finds all Var(Tij), where Tij is the same it takes to go from state i to state j. Show your derivation in a .tex file.