ECS 189G, Winter 2020

Norm Matloff,

[Informative, intended to help you do well in the course. NOT intended to intimidate. :-) ]

Course Prerequites and Content

Please carefully read the course flyer, especially regarding prerequisites -- they matter a lot!

We will use the R programming language. It is NOT assumed that you have prior background in R. However, you are expected to pick up the basic material on your own. It is required that you read my quick online tutorial. It's designed for nonprogrammers, so you'll find it quite easy to follow.

I Teach Differently from Others

Good Fit for You?

This is a course on recommender systems, a branch of machine learning. Successful application of ML methods requires keen insight and intuition; it is not cookbook "Step A, Step B,..." methodology.

I believe you will enjoy and value this course if:

On the other hand, the course may not be a very good fit if:




Our main textbook is here. But PLEASE NOTE: The book is short a few chapters. It was developed when I taught the course in Fall 2018, when the quarter was substantially shortened due to regional fires. I will be adding to the book as the quarter progresses.

As noted above, you are required to know/learn R, to the degree presented in the above-mentioned tutorial and the appendix in our main textbook. You will be using R heavily in the quizzes. Ours is not a programming course, and the level of programming used usually will be simple, but it IS used a lot.

You are REQUIRED to have hard copies of these documents -- actual paper, not electronic (best to go to a copying store). Please print them BEFORE classes start. Quizzes are open-book/open-notes.


Lecture/Learning Format