ECS 189G, Fall 2018, "Job Interview"


For those wishing Extra Credit, you will meet with me in my office for about 2 minutes. I'll ask you to discuss some particular aspect of our course, like you might encounter in a job interview.


The goals are two-fold:

That second point is very important to me.


I'll announce several one-hour periods, one at a time (20 people maximum per period). You will come to my office, and register with me, after which I will take people in order.

Our 2-minute discussion will go as follows. I'll start by saying, "Please tell me about X," where X might be a general concept (e.g. overfitting), or an equation or some code in the textbook. You will answer, and then I will ask 1 or 2 followup questions.

Grading, and impact on your course grade:

I believe most people will get an A or a B. The criterion for the latter would be that you have basic understanding, maybe with slight issues. The followups with determine how much higher a grade you get. It is possible, though, that some people will get a lower grade than B.

The grade you get will replace your lowest quiz grade over the course of the quarter. The policy of throwing out your two lowest quizzes will be applied after making this replacement. If your "job interview" grade is lower than your lowest quiz, your interview grade will not be counted.

A note on the picture above:

I chose this picture both for fun and to make a point, which is that a job interview should be fun. Hopefully you've developed a lot of insight from your coursework and other activities, and a job interview gives you a chance to show this.