DESCRIPTION Students: Please note instructions in paper copy of quiz. Save your files often, make sure OMSI fills your entire screen at all times, etc. A question may not fully fit into your OMSI question box, which is not scrollable. You can try adjusting the relative size of the question and answer boxes, but remember that clicking CopyQtoA will copy the entire question box to the answer box. QUESTION (20 pts) An alternative term for "embedding," common in economics and the social sciences is _______________________. QUESTION (20 pts) Answer "smaller" or "larger": In CART, the larger the number of nodes, the ______________ the variance. In k-NN, the larger the value of k, the ___________ the variance. In NMF, the larger the rank, the ___________ the variance. QUESTION (20 pts) In the paper by Lee and Seung, what term do they use for the l2 norm? QUESTION -ext .R -run 'Rscript omsi_answer4.R' (20 pts) In the InstEval data, use CART to predict rating from all other columns except the user and item IDs. Your prediction will be for a case in which the course is a service course in department 3, and studage and lectage are 4 and 1, respectively. Note: Check first which columns are R factors; these must be accessed via quotation marks, i.e. as character strings. Use the default values of the tuning parameters. Make sure to use print() to output your answer! QUESTION -ext .R -run 'Rscript omsi_answer5.R' (20 pts) (This question is independent of Question 4.) Suppose that in the InstEval data we will use an embedding of mean user rating in place of the 's' column. (We will not use the 'd' column at all.) Write code that will generate a new data frame ie_emb that follows this plan. Your code must use formUserData(), and must end with print(ie_emb[1,])