DESCRIPTION Students: This is a group quiz. You are allowed to talk to your teammates (but no one else), use the Internet and so on. To get credit, you MUST be logged in under an e-mail address of the form where the individual components must EXACTLY MATCH what you have been using in the quizzes. QUESTION -ext .R -run 'Rscript omsi_answer1.R' (100 pts, code) In this problem you will implement the approach described in Sec. in the revised book, Forming Neighborhoods Using Matrix Factorization. The call form will be predict.knnMF(recoOut,newCase,k=5) where recoOut is a return value from trainReco(); newCase is a single case of the form (userID,itemID); and k is the number of neighbors. Both the user and item are assumed to be in the original data. Covariates and item categories will NOT be used. predict.knnMF <- function(recoOut,newCase,k=5) { } library(rectools) load('~/ML100K') ud <- udata[,1:3] set.seed(9999) # important! z <- trainReco(ud,nmf=T) print(predict.knnMF(z,c(5,12)))