DESCRIPTION Students: Please keep in mind the OMSI rules. Save your files often, make sure OMSI fills your entire screen at all times, etc. Remember that clicking CopyQtoA will copy the entire question box to the answer box. QUESTION (20) In spite of the world outrage over the use of embryonic gene editing in China in 2018, some physicians reportedly are still considering this approach. One doctor in Russia wants to do this. What kind of abnormality does he wish to prevent, and why has he not attempted the procedure yet? QUESTION (20) Using the number of previous arrests would seem to be a reasonable predictor variable to use in a tool like COMPAS. Why might it produce disparate impact? Cite a specific passage in one of our readings. QUESTION (20) Traditionally, the more experience one has in a given field, the easier it should be to find a job in the field. But ironically, that is often not the case with tech jobs. Cite a specific passage in our reading that points out that irony, and another passage that claims why experience may not be so valuable to employers (aside from wage issues). QUESTION (20) Explain what the word "homophily" means. One study on VC funding seems to show homophily does not seem to be an issue in bias against female entrepreneurs. Cite a specific passage in our reading that indicates this. QUESTION (20) How does a “whiteboard interview” disadvantage Black and Hispanic candidates in the hiring process?