1. (15) The author Caitlin Flanagan was very disturbed at seeing a certain picture, regretting that she had viewed it. Explain. 2. (10) What's a potential conflict of interest that existed in Hindenburg Research's report about Nikola? 3. (15) We had an article that analyzed the energy footprint of the NLP computations. According to our course, on what other broad category of applications of machine learning has there been some energy analysis? 4. (15) An anthropologist became highly controversial for her theory of what motivates ethical behavior. Who was it, what was her theory, and what society did she study to come to her conclusion? 5. (15) In being accused of racism, the pioneering statistician Ronald Fisher was on the one hand a victim of guilt by association, but on the other hand one might say he could benefit by "exoneration by association." Explain both points. 6. (15) The cancellation of Fisher was so fervent that even a dataset was canceled. Explain. 7. (15) The issue of privacy in statistical databases is fundamentally a trade-off between two major goals. Explain.