1. She saw a picture of a fetus, and it looked so human that it shook her pro-abortion convictions. 2. They were shorting Nikola. 3. Image classification. 4. Ruth Benedict studied the Japanese. She said that they are driven by fear of shame, while Westerners are driven by internal conscience. 5. Fisher praised a German geneticist, Verschuer, who in turn was viewed as being too cozy with the Nazis, thus casting a suspicion of racism on Fisher. Yet Fisher also praised Jewish and Indian scientists, and in fact a Jewish scientist characterized Verschuer as a fine person. 6. This was the famous Iris dataset, used widely in textbooks and research papers. Fisher popularized it (though the dataset itself was due to Anderson), and Fisher's cancelers urge people to use the Palmer Penguins data instead. 7. On the one hand, we want researchers, e.g. in medicine, to be able to analyze the data statistically, while on the other hand we want to protect to privacy of individuals whose data is stored.