1. Rosales article; predict age of a user by the age in their network; but it turns out there are a lot of intergenerational connections. 2. "No One's Accountable" article; Apple included its retail store employees in its 9% Black figure; in class we discussed that employers may not give the % of its ENGINEERS who are Black etc., thus giving a misleading impression.] 3. The prospective one is P(alive | treatment A). The corresponding retrospective one is P(treatment A | alive) = 120/(120+20) = 6/7. 4. If, given an applicant's overall characteristics, "Ivy-ness" has little bearing on job performance, then the employer's actions are illegal under Griggs vs. Duke Power. 5. The point was that men, with a better network and other resources, may be better able to deal with the bad treatment. 6. Medical diagnosis.