Q1: The US and Germany seem to differ regarding business bribery. Explain, preferably in a single sentence. A: It is illegal for a US company to engage in bribery. In Germany, it is condoned in the sense that it is deductible from the firm's income tax. Q2: A student said in class that the author of our reading on bioethics seemed to be biased. Preferbly ia short sentence, explain his basis for that assertion. A: The author seemed to give more space to the pro-abortion arguments than the anti-abortion ones. Q3: In our reading on energy usage in training machine learning models, what is the role of hyperparameters in the heavy consumption of energy resources? Three sentences should be plenty here. A: An ML algorithm must be "tuned" by setting hyperparameters, finding the best combination of them. Since the number of possible combinations that we try is huge, that results in huge energy usage. Q4: In class we talked about two terms "disparate treatment" and "disperate impact". (a) We also talked about a legal term, "similarly situated." Did that third term relate to the "two disparates"? Explain. (b) In our discussion of the lawsuit opposing Harvard's affirmative action admissions policy, we noted that Asian-Americans tend to major in STEM fields. How did that relate to the "two disparates"? (Please label the subparts of your answer, (a) and (b).) A(a): Yes, if two people are similar in all respects but something like race, gender or age, they are "similar situated," so if they are treated differently, it is disparate treatment. A(b): Harvard, as a liberal arts school, cannot admit too many STEM majors. Since Asian-American applicants disproportionately wish to major in STEM, more of them will be rejected. This is disparate impact. Q5: In the class discussion of the McWhorter article, there was an example given of a linguistics professor who was using expertise to analyze gender bias in this case. In one or two short sentences, state the professor's claim and how was it shown to be wrong. A: In the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton was commonly referred to by her first name, but Donald Trump was referred to by his surname. The professor said this was sexist, but then someone pointed out that another candidate, Bernie Sanders, a man, was referred to as Bernie. Q6: How did the FDA change clinical trial regulations following the revelation that thalidomide caused birth defects? How did that change affect the sleeping medication Ambien? A: After the thalidomide tragedy, the FDA banned the inclusion of women in early-stage clinical trials in an effort to avoid the possibility of experimental drugs affecting unborn babies. So when the ban was lifted in 1993 after years of drugs being approved that were understudied in women, the Ambien dosage was too high for women.