Homework 1
Due Friday, October 3

The main purpose of this homework is to review digital design and use of digital design software. In this and all other digital design homework in the course, you will use the Chipmunk software.

Construct a "digital clock," displaying the hour and minute, e.g. 6:24. After 12:59, the next time shown will be 1:00, and so on. The clock will also be settable from user input.

The current hour and minute will be stored in registers, and displayed via Chipmunk's Hex Display components. Our "clock ticks" will come from Chipmunk's Digital Pulse-Generative Switch, and the user input will consist of Digital Hex Keypad components.

This assignment should be fairly straightforward. Feel free to use the ModDiv5.lgf example from my Chipmunk documentation as a guide.