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Homework Grade

Your letter grade on this homework will be as follows, based on your average homework score: 90-100%, A; 85-89%, A-; 80-84%, B; 70-79%, C; 60-69%, D; under 60%, F. Note that all homework assignments must be completed in order to get a passing grade in the course.

I aim for the vast majority of the class to get an A on the homework. Lots of help is available, so this aim should be achievable. (And it is; I use this policy in every course I teach, and it always works out that most people get A homework grades.) Again, this is a real A, carrying as much weight as each exam (if no exam is thrown out).

At the end of the quarter, it will be your responsibility to make sure that the Reader's records are correct as to your scores.

Norm Matloff