DESCRIPTION Please keep in mind the OMSI rules. Save your files often. Submit each answer individually and make sure you receive the notification of successful submission. Don't wait till the last moment to submit all answers, as there might be network traffic in the last 5 minutes causing unexpected delay and failure. Remember that clicking CopyQtoA will copy the entire question box to the answer box. In questions involving code which will PARTIALLY be given to you in the question specs, you may need to add new lines. There may not be information given as to where the lines should be inserted. MAKE SURE TO RUN THE R CODE ANSWER IN PROBLEMS THAT INVOLVE R CODE! QUESTION (text answer - 20 pts) Fill in the blank: In class, a reason was given as to why we will be using infinite series, in settings in which we have infinitely many ________________ events. QUESTION (text answer - 20 pts) Give an example of two mutually dependent events. QUESTION (text answer - 20 pts) Can two disjoint events with non-zero probabilities be independent? Explain your answer. QUESTION (Text answer - 20 pts) "Expected value is calculated by multiplying the mean of all values with the likelihood of all the possiblities." True or False? QUESTION (text answer - 20 pts) We say the mean and median are ways to quantify the notion of "central tendency." What is the corresponding term for variance? QUESTION -ext .R -run 'Rscript ./omsi_answer6.R' Consider the board game, Sec. 2.10, and think about P(R = 3, B <= 4). The 2 events are NOT independent. If we falsely compute the probability under independence, we get the wrong answer. What is the value of the latter? QUESTION -ext .R -run 'Rscript ./omsi_answer7.R' (R code answer - 20 pts) Consider the board game, Sec. 2.10, and think about P(R = 3, B <= 4). The 2 events are NOT independent. If we falsely compute the probability under independence, we get the wrong answer. What is the value of the latter? QUESTION -ext .R -run 'Rscript ./omsi_answer8.R' (R code answer - 20 pts) In the board game example sec. 2.10, what is the variance of the position after the first turn? QUESTION -ext .R -run 'Rscript ./omsi_answer9.R' (R code answer - 20 pts) You pay $4.00 to roll a fair die anticipating that you will win $12.00 back if you roll a 1 or a 6. Otherwise you get $1.00 back. What is the expected amount you win? QUESTION -ext .R -run 'Rscript ./omsi_answer10.R' (R code answer - 20 pts) In Problem 4, Hwk 1, we have c computers. Time is slotted. Let X_i denote the number of infected computers at the beginning of epoch i, with X_0 = 1. Halfway through any epoch, each infected computer may infect each of the noninfected computers. If there are currently k infected computers, any given noninfected one will stay noninfected with probability r^k, independently. Write a function nochange(c,r,k) that will find P(X_{n+1} = k | X_n = k), and print nochange(4,0.2,3).