1. geometric 2. We need P(T <= 8.2361), which is P(T <= 8). Write that as P(T <= 8 and I = 1 or T <= 8 and I = 0) = P(T <= 8 and I = 1) + P(T <= 8 and I = 0) = 0.5 (0.1+0.2+0.3) + 0.5 (1) 3. Only (i). A geometric (or Poisson etc.) distribution violates (ii) and (iii), and (iv) is just way wrong. 4. sim <- function(nReqs,fullSeek,fullRot) { currentTime <- 0 currentTrackPos <- 0.5 # doesn't matter, in long-run for (i in 1:nReqs) { newTrackPos <- runif(1) seekTime <- fullSeek * abs(newTrackPos - currentTrackPos) currentTime <- currentTime + seekTime rotDelay <- runif(1,0,fullRot) currentTime <- currentTime + rotDelay currentTrackPos <- newTrackPos } currentTime / nReqs } print(sim(25000,0.2,0.1)) # approx. 0.1167