1. (2.6) 2. Break down according to what happens at the first stop. Let D_i denote the number who depart the bus at stop i. P(R_2) = P(B_1 = 0, D_2 = 0 or B_1 = 1, D_2 = 0 or B_1 = 2, D_2 = 0) = (0.5)(1) + (0.4)(0.8) + (0.1)(0.8)^2 3. simLott <- function(nreps) { countTwoEven <- 0 for (i in 1:nreps) { winners <- sample(1:20,5,replace=FALSE) evenOdd <- winners %% 2 twoEven <- sum(evenOdd) == 3 countTwoEven <- countTwoEven + twoEven } print(countTwoEven / nreps) 4. This means v_3 and v_4 do not attach to v_1. Let D_ij denote the degree of node i at time j, the time when v_j attaches. P(D_14 = 1) = P(N_3 = 2 and (N_4 = 2 or N_4 = 3)) = (1/2) (2/4 + 1/4)