(2014) Kudos to the finalists in the Intel Science Talent Search. But why all the hoopla? These contests (Intel, Siemens and so on) are fraught with misperceptions. For instance, take New York Times writer Tom Friedman's claim that the Intel competition "identifies and honors the the top math and science high school students in America...based on their solutions to scientific problems," as if finding the fastest hurdlers or longest jumpers in the country. This is a gross mischaracterization. These contests do not really rank talent. First, most top STEM students don't even participate in Intel and similar national contests in the first place. The huge time commitment required is scary, and even energetic, motivated students may feel that the time is better spent on other pursuits. And participation in these competitions is largely a function of what school one attends. Even back in the days when Westinghouse ran the Intel event, there were "Westinghouse schools," with special programs designed to encourage participation, and today some schools have turned this into an art form. Friedman's seeming implication that most students at top STEM institutions such as MIT are former Intel contestants is mere fancy (though yes, some are indeed Intel veterans). Second, the project-oriented contests like Intel are not measures of scientific brilliance. Yes, those who succeed are bright, extraordinarily dedicated kids. But the ideas for the centerpiece of the contest, the student's research project, generally come from the student's university mentor. The student joins a project already in progress, and is given a piece to work on. During that work, the student will come up with ideas for refinements, but Friedman's reference to "their solutions" is exaggerated, and the "High School Student Finds Cure for Cancer" headlines are seriously misleading. For example, Martin Rocek, a university mentor for Intel semifinalist Neal Wadhwa recounted for the New York Times how he interacted with the student. Rocek found a "not exceedingly technical" topic in math, gave the student private tutorials, and suggested the calculations to be done. A winner of the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, Amy Chyao, told the STEM education newsletter Metroplex Math Circle about choosing among projects offered to her by university mentor Kenneth Balkus. Reader Karim Stuart then commented, "When I heard about her, I immediately wanted to know what a 16 year-old kid had accomplished in one summer--that I didn’t in 7 years [as a grad student]. Now I understand, she is just reporting the work of a group of scientists who have been working really hard at this for many years." Professor Miriam Rafailovich, who runs an organized mentoring program for high school researchers at SUNY Stony Brook, told me that the contestants "get massive coaching from the schools." There is even a "how-to" book, Success with Science: the Winners' Guide to High School Research, written by winners of these national science competitions. And as the book and Rafailovich point out, a major motivation for many contestants is to bolster their admission to selective colleges. That is a fine goal, but it also explains the much-cited fact that many of the contestants have immigrant parents--who often have a "Harvard or bust" (or Tiger Mom) viewpoint. Thus the immigrants' kids are more likely to participate. But given the fact that the contests don't really measure pure scientific talent, the demographics of the winners lists sheds very little light on what our immigration policies should be in terms of maintaining U.S. excellence in science research. And that itself is another sense in which the publicity surrounding these contests misleads. One gets the impression that these students will pursue careers in science research, helping to maintain U.S. excellence in the field, but in reality very few of these students will take this path. On the contrary, Professor Rafailovich says the top career choice is now business. Perhaps some will eventually do something in business related to science, but in terms of the national good, it's not the same as actually doing science. In the past, many have gone on to careers as physicians, but again less valuable in terms of the national good. None is this is to detract from those who place highly in these contests. They are obviously very bright, energetic and resourceful young people, who by the way must not only conduct the research but also cogently explain their work to contest judges--no mean feat for such highly technical material. Good for them, but the contests must be put in perspective.