Emacs: The Software Engineer's ``Swiss Army Knife''

Norman Matloff

November 15, 1997


The emacs editor is arguably the ``editor of choice'' among many software engineers. What is so nice about it? Here are some examples:

As an example of the power of emacs-lisp, note that you can actually use the vi editor from which emacs! That is because people have written emacs-lisp programs to emulate vi, such as vi-mode.el, viper-mode.el and vip-mode.el. (All emacs-lisp source code files have a ``.el'' suffix.) For some people, this gives ``the best of both worlds,'' combining the power of emacs with the parsimonious keystrokes of vi.


Most of the emacs commands use either the control key or the escape key, which are denoted in emacs circles as C- and M-. For example, C-x b would mean to type control-x and then b; C-x C-b would mean to type control-x and then control-b; M-x would mean to type ESC then x (but release ESC before typing x).

When in vip-mode, the emacs mode in which vi commands are available, the ESC key can't be used for emacs commands, since it has special meaning for vi. For this and other reasons, emacs provides an alternate, the underscore key, i.e. `_'. So, for example, any M-x can be done as _-x

Functions and Key Binding

To illustrate the concepts of functions and key bindings, consider the action, common in any editor, of moving the cursor one character to the left (e.g. this is done using the h key in vi). In emacs, the formal name for this function is `backward-char'. As with the other emacs functions, we could invoke this function using M-x, i.e. by typing

M-x backward-char

Of course, this would be far too much typing for such a small action. Emacs allows key-binding to take care of this problem. In this case, for example, we say that emacs has ``bound C-b to the function backward-char,'' meaning that whenever we type C-b, that function will be invoked.

We can change key bindings, and add new ones, by using various emacs functions, e.g. `global-set-key'. In your file


(whose commands will be executed automatically each time you start up emacs) for example, you could have a line

(global-set-key "\Cx-v" 'vip-mode)

which binds C-x v to the function `vip-mode'.

Getting In and Out of Emacs, and Out of Trouble

To start emacs, just type


To temporarily suspend emacs, type C-x C-z.1. To revive it, just type fg, or better yet, %emacs (fg would only revive the most recently suspended or ``backgrounded'' job, which might not be emacs).

To exit emacs just type C-x C-c.

Emacs is so useful that most people start up an emacs session as soon as they log on to the machine, even though they may not need it right away. They just want to have it ready when the need arises.2

If you find yourself in a jam while in emacs, say by having typed the wrong thing, you can kill the current command by typing C-g.3 Remember this command!


In a typical emacs session, you will be editing several ``files'' at once. Some of these will be real files, while others will be temporary files4 which are created as the result of emacs commands.

For example, suppose I wish to edit the file WC.c. I type C-x C-f to load the file, and then type WC.c. The screen will then look like this:

/* introductory C program */

/* implements (a subset of) the Unix wc command  --  reports character,
   word and line counts; in this version, the "file" is read from the
   standard input, since we have not covered C file manipulation yet,
   but of course a real file can be read by using the Unix `<' redirection
   feature */

#define MaxLine 200

char Line[MaxLine];  /* one line from the file */

int NChars = 0,  /* total number of characters in the file */
    NWords = 0,  /* total number of words in the file */

This looks just like regular vi, except for the bottom line, in which emacs gives some general information, like the time of day. (Again, the bottom line is in reverse video on the screen, but that doesn't show up here.)

Suppose this is my first emacs command. Then WC.c will be my first buffer. Now suppose I type

M-x calendar

in order to use emacs's built-in calendar facility.5 The screen would now look like this:

/* introductory C program */

/* implements (a subset of) the Unix wc command  --  reports character,
   word and line counts; in this version, the "file" is read from the
   standard input, since we have not covered C file manipulation yet,
   but of course a real file can be read by using the Unix `<' redirection
   feature */

        November 1992            December 1992            January 1993
      S  M Tu  W Th  F  S      S  M Tu  W Th  F  S      S  M Tu  W Th  F  S
      1  2  3  4  5  6  7            1  2  3  4  5                     1  2
      8  9 10 11 12 13 14      6  7  8  9 10 11 12      3  4  5  6  7  8  9
     15 16 17 18 19 20 21     13 14 15 16 17 18 19     10 11 12 13 14 15 16
     22 23 24 25 26 27 28     20 21 22 23 24 25 26     17 18 19 20 21 22 23
     29 30                    27 28 29 30 31           24 25 26 27 28 29 30
C-x <      Calendar    ? help/o other/c current     Sun, Dec 6, 1992       C-x >
Loading calendar.elc...done****************************************************

What has happened is that emacs has created a new buffer, for the calendar, and displayed it along with my first buffer (for WC.c). The two buffers are delineated on the screen by reverse-video lines at the bottom edge of each buffer (which I have shown as long strings of asterisks here).

The calendar buffer is now a temporary file. I can edit it, e.g. delete November, and if I desire to do so, save it to a permanent file.

Here are some commands dealing with buffers:

C-x o    if two buffers appear together on the screen, move the cursor
         to the other buffer
C-x 1    if two buffers appear together on the screen, expand the one
         current containing the cursor to make that buffer fill the screen
C-x b    display another buffer which is not currently displayed; emacs 
         is usually able to guess which buffer you want, and will ask you 
         to confirm that its guess is right; otherwise, specify the buffer 
         name yourself
C-x C-b  list all buffers (note: this list itself will be a new buffer!)
C-x C-f  read in a file and create a new buffer for it
C-x C-r  read in a file and create a new buffer for it, but make the
         buffer read-only (so that the file will not accidentally get
C-x k    kill buffer; emacs will ask you to confirm that you mean
         the one currently containing the cursor; otherwise, specify 
         which one

Again, remember that any buffer is a temporary file, and thus all editing commands apply. For example, suppose I type C-x C-b to get a list of all buffers. Again, this will create a new buffer, and suppose the list is so long that it doesn't fit in one screen. Then I can use the usual editor scrolling commands (for vi, C-f and C-b) to browse through the buffer.

The Minibuffer

When you issue an M-x or C-x command that requires some parameter, emacs will display the command in the minibuffer at the bottom of the screen, and move the cursor there, waiting for your input of the parameter. In some cases, emacs will offer a default value for that parameter. If the default is OK, just hit the Return key; otherwise, use the Delete key or the Backspace key (might be different on different terminals; try it out) to partially or completely erase the default, and type in the parameter.

Loading Files

As mentioned earlier, the command C-x C-f will prompt you for a file name, create a new buffer, and load the file into that new buffer. Here are some more details, illustrated with an actual example.

I typed C-x C-f. Emacs responded by displaying the following message in the minibuffer:

Find file: ~/tmp/tmp/

I was currently in the directory indicated, i.e. tmp/tmp. I knew that the file I wanted began with the string `Sum', but didn't remember the rest, so I took advantage of emacs's name completion feature: I hit the Space bar, resulting in emacs creating and displaying a buffer named *Completions*,6 with contents

Possible completions are:
Sum                                Sum.c
Sum.lst                            Sum.mas
Sum.out                            Sum.sym

which was a list of all files in that directory whose names began with `Sum'. I saw that the file I wanted was Sum.mas, so I typed `.m' and then hit the Space bar, so that the minibuffer now looked like

Find file: ~/tmp/tmp/Sum.mas

That is what I wanted, so I hit the Return key, and emacs then loaded the file.

If I had wanted to switch to another directory, I could have backspaced in the minibuffer, erasing part or all of the path displayed there.

Note that this is useful not just if you have forgotten a file name, but also to save typing.


As mentioned before, a very nice feature of emacs is the ability to split a given buffer into two or more windows, enabling one to view more than one piece of a file at a time. Here are the main commands:

C-x 2    split current window into two windows
C-x o    move cursor to the other window
C-x 1    unsplit, i.e. change back to having just one window on
         this buffer
C-x 0    move cursor to the other window and make that one fill
         the screen (same as C-x o followed by C-x 1)
C-x ^    make current window larger (and other window smaller)

For example, suppose I currently just have one window on my WC.c buffer in the example above. If I type C-x 2, the result will be:

/* introductory C program */

/* implements (a subset of) the Unix wc command  --  reports character,
   word and line counts; in this version, the "file" is read from the
   standard input, since we have not covered C file manipulation yet,

/* introductory C program */

/* implements (a subset of) the Unix wc command  --  reports character,
   word and line counts; in this version, the "file" is read from the
   standard input, since we have not covered C file manipulation yet,
   but of course a real file can be read by using the Unix `<' redirection

Now I can scroll the two windows independently. For example, suppose I want one window to show the function WordCount(), and the other window to show the call to that function.7 What I can do is use the vi search command `/' to look for the string `WordCount', and thus position the two windows as desired:

int WordCount()

{  int I,NBlanks = 0;

   for (I = 0; I < LineLength; I++)
      if (Line[I] == ' ') NBlanks++;

   /* ordinarily the number of words is NBlanks+1, except in the case
      in which the line is empty, i.e. consists only of the end-of-line
      character */
      Line[LineLength++] = C;
      if (C == 10) break;

   NChars += LineLength;
   NWords += WordCount();
   return 0;


Using Vi in Emacs

The two main commands are:

M-x vip-mode   change from emacs mode to vi mode
C-z            change from vi mode back to emacs mode

(Recall that there are also available viper-mode and vi-mode.) Both for convenience and for easy remembering, I have in my .emacs file (which you should copy, as mentioned earlier) these commands:

C-x v   change from emacs mode to vi mode
C-x e   change from vi mode back to emacs mode

Note that if there are two windows on a buffer, the vi commands work on the two windows as a whole; it is just one buffer, i.e. just one file. So, for instance, when I was searching for the string `WordCount' in the example above, I first typed


using the standard vi search command `/', and then moved to the other window and simply typed `n'. This is also a standard (though possibly new to you) vi command, meaning, ``Repeat the last search.'' So it did look for a string `WordCount', even though I had changed windows.

Just as ordinary vi will automatically read a file .exrc from your home directory, and read in customization commands from it, one can do this here too. In my .emacs file in my home directory, I have put the two lines

(local-set-key "]" 'vip-scroll)
(local-set-key "[" 'vip-scroll-back)

after the line


The latter line has emacs start up in vip-mode, and then the ``local'' commands apply to that mode. Whenever I am using vip-mode, the ] and [ keys will have the same meaning as vi's usual scroll-forward and scroll-backward commands, i.e. C-f and C-b.

Using Emacs for Compiling Programs

To compile a program whose source code you are editing in emacs, type

M-x compile

Since in a debugging session one will compile many times, to save typing, I have in my .emacs file bound C-x c to M-x compile, so I need type only C-x c.

Here is what happens when I type the compile command:

/* introductory C program */

/* implements (a subset of) the Unix wc command  --  reports character,
   word and line counts; in this version, the "file" is read from the
   standard input, since we have not covered C file manipulation yet,
   but of course a real file can be read by using the Unix `<' redirection
   feature */

#define MaxLine 200

char Line[MaxLine];  /* one line from the file */

int NChars = 0,  /* total number of characters in the file */
    NWords = 0,  /* total number of words in the file */
Compile command: make -k

Note the minibuffer here (`Compile command: make -k'). Though you can't see it here, the cursor is right after the -k. Emacs is waiting for me to confirm that this is the compile command which I want. I want a different one, so I use the Delete key (or Backspace key, on some terminals) to erase the `make -k', and then put in the compile command which I want, which in this instance is `cc -g WC.c': The screen now looks like this:

/* introductory C program */

/* implements (a subset of) the Unix wc command  --  reports character,
   word and line counts; in this version, the "file" is read from the
   standard input, since we have not covered C file manipulation yet,
   but of course a real file can be read by using the Unix `<' redirection
   feature */

#define MaxLine 200

char Line[MaxLine];  /* one line from the file */

int NChars = 0,  /* total number of characters in the file */
    NWords = 0,  /* total number of words in the file */
Compile command: cc -g WC.c

I then hit the return key, and emacs creates a new buffer for the compile:

/* introductory C program */

/* implements (a subset of) the Unix wc command  --  reports character,
   word and line counts; in this version, the "file" is read from the
   standard input, since we have not covered C file manipulation yet,
cd /usr/home/matloff/Courses/40/Progs/
cc -g WC.c

(No files need saving)

Eventually, that new buffer will include a `Compilation finished' message, and will display any syntax errors which it found. If there are any such errors, I can keep typing

C-x `

(C-x and then a backward apostrophe), and emacs will automatically go to the buffer for my source file, and position the cursor at the source of the error; this is a big convenience.

By the way, note the message `No files need saving'. If I had made a modification to the source file, emacs would have asked me if I wanted to save the file before compiling it.

I then invoke gdb. (Note: You probably will prefer to use ddd, a very nice graphical user interface for gdb. To do this in coordination with gdb, type "M-x gdb", then at the prompt change the command to "ddd --ttt --gdb". Be sure ddd is in your search path.) Emacs will ask me what the executable file name is, in this case a.out. Emacs will create a new buffer for gdb. Then I give gdb a breakpoint command, to stop at the function WordCount(), and I type r to run. When the program reaches the breakpoint, my screen looks like

Breakpoint 1 at 0x40023c: file WC.c, line 43.
(gdb) r < z
Starting program: /usr/home/matloff/Courses/40/Progs/a.out < z

Breakpoint 1, WordCount () at WC.c:43


int WordCount()

{  int I,NBlanks = 0;

=> for (I = 0; I < LineLength; I++)
      if (Line[I] == ' ') NBlanks++;

   /* ordinarily the number of words is NBlanks+1, except in the case
      in which the line is empty, i.e. consists only of the end-of-line
      character */

There are now two buffers displayed on the screen, my gdb buffer at the top and my WC.c buffer at the bottom. Note the marker `=>' in the latter; it shows that my next source-line statement is

for (I = 0; I < LineLength; I++)
   if (Line[I] == ' ') NBlanks++;

If for example I give gdb an n command now, it will execute that statement (and the `=>' marker will then advance to the next line).

Note again that if I want to restore the WC.c buffer to be displayed in full-screen instead of half-screen form, I merely need to type C-x o to switch to the WC.c buffer, and then type C-x 1.

Miscellaneous Emacs Features

Name Completion

This was described earlier, for file names. The same holds for command names, buffer names, etc.

You can give just the first few letters of, say, an M-x command (e.g. M-x cal instead of M-x calendar). Then hit the Space bar, and emacs will do name completion, showing you which commands begin with the string you have so far.

Use of the Tab and Return keys in this context produces results like Space, but with some differences. Experiment with them, and you'll see the difference.

Once you get accustomed to this feature, you will find that you rarely have to spell out a full command name; the Space bar will do most of your typing for you! All you have to do is give enough characters for uniqueness, and hit the space bar.


Suppose you are writing an article about the state of Washington. Instead of typing ``Washington'' again and again, you need type it only once. After you type it that first time, place the cursor one character to the right of the final letter in the word, in this case the second `n', and type C-x +. You will then be prompted for an abbreviation, say `wa'. From then on, whenever you type `wa', followed by a space, emacs will expand your abbreviation to the full word `Washington'.

To take effect, the emacs variable `abbrev-mode' must have the value `t', i.e. true. You can check this by using the C-x v command, and if it has the value `nil', i.e. false, you can either use the `set-variable' function to set it, or simply `M-x abbrev-mode'.

File Backup

Emacs periodically will make backup copies of all files you are editing. The copies are distinguished by a tilde at the end of their names.

Using Emacs Under X11

Emacs does allow you to make use of the mouse in certain ways. One of the most useful is as a speedier alternative to C-x o in switching windows. If you are in one window and wish to move to another, simply click the left mouse button in that window. And even better--the cursor will not only move to that window, but also move to the exact position within the window that the mouse pointed to when you clicked.

Customizing Emacs

Emacs allows you to make your own abbreviations of commands. Some you would use only in a given emacs session, or even only in a given emacs buffer. Others you would use all the time, and thus you would put them into your .emacs file. See the on-line help facilities described below for the commands global-set-key, local-set-key, add-global-abbrev, etc. My .emacs file shows some examples of their use.

You can also use the emacs-lisp language to write new commands.

Learning More About Emacs

On-Line Help

Emacs has an excellent on-line help facility, including the following commands:

C-h t     invoke an emacs tutorial 
C-h f     get a short description of a function
C-h a     list all functions whose name includes the given string
C-h b     list all the bindings of keys
C-x v     get an explanation of a given emacs variable, and find out
          its current value
M-x info  get more extensive information on emacs features

The tutorial is mainly about cursor-movement commands, which is not very useful if you will (as I recommend) be using vip-mode for those actions.

C-h f is much more useful. If for example I wish to know about the various e-mail commands which emacs has, I can type C-h a and then when prompted in the minibuffer, type `mail'. A buffer will then be created which lists all emacs commands whose name includes the string `mail'. For example, one of them will be rmail; I can then learn more about it by typing C-h f and then answering `rmail' when the prompt appears in the minibuffer.

The command M-x info is quite good. Just follow instructions (e.g. your first command in it will probably be `m emacs').

Library Files

Various emacs commands are actually files in the lisp subdirectory of the emacs directory on your machine. You may wish to browse through this subdirectory. To find out where it is, type

whereis emacs

to the Unix shell. The .el files you see in that directory are written in the emacs-lisp language, so you can use these as examples to help learn from. Note that whenever you see a function or variable name which is new to you, you can find its definition by using C-h f.


C-z also works, but this would conflict with emacs's vi capability.

And since it generally does take a few seconds to start up, it's better to just do this once, at the beginning of one's Unix session.

If you are in vip-mode at the time, you may have to type C-g more than once.

Since they are temporary, they will not be on the disk, though you have the option of saving them to disk if it becomes useful to do so

Actually I must type `_-x calendar', since I am in vip-mode and thus the ESC key isn't available for emacs commands.

You may wish to move the cursor to this buffer, e.g. to scroll it (the list may be too large to fit the window) or maybe even to save it to a file. You cannot make this move by using C-x b, as that would need the minibuffer, which is already in use, but you can temporarily leave the minibuffer by using C-x o, to go to another window; just keep using this command until you get to the *Completions* window. By the way, the *Completions* buffer will be killed once you actually finish with the minibuffer.

This is a very common usage, e.g. to check whether the parameters match up correctly, though in this example there are no parameters.

Norm &