DESCRIPTION In questions involving code which will partially be given to you in the question specs, YOU MAY NEED ADD NEW LINES OF CODE. Generally, the locations of the needed insertions will NOT be indicated. Unless indicated otherwise, For full credit, do not change any of the existing lines. QUESTION -ext .R -run "Rscript omsi_answer1.R" Write an R/"Snow" version of the cumulative sum example in Sec. 5.10. Partial code is given below. parcumsum <- function(cls,x) { nWorkers <- length(cls) chunkRanges <- clusterApply(cls,chunkRanges, function(oneRange) ) tmp <- clusterEvalQ(cls, )) endValue <- function(x) x[length(x)] base <- evs[1] for (i in 2:nWorkers) { tmp[[i]] <- tmp[[i]] + base base <- base + evs[i] } } test <- function() { library(parallel) cls <- makeCluster(2) x <- sample(1:5,10,replace=TRUE) print(x) print(parcumsum(cls,x)) } test()