Ohio Supercomputer Center The Ohio State University

Ohio LAM 6.1 November 11, 1996 UPERCOMPUTERSOHIOC E N T E R

LAM is a parallel processing environment and development system for a network of independent computers. It features the Message-Passing Interface (MPI) programming standard, supported by extensive monitoring and debugging tools.

LAM / MPI Key Features:

runtime and post-mortem

MPI Primer /Developing With LAM

MPI Primer / Developing with LAM This document is organized into four major chapters. It begins with a tutorial covering the simpler techniques of programming and operation. New users should start with the tutorial. The second chapter is an MPI programming primer emphasizing the commonly used routines. Non-standard extensions to MPI and additional programming capabilities unique to LAM are separated into a third chapter. The last chapter is an operational reference. It describes how to configure and start a LAM multicomputer, and how to monitor processes and messages.

This document is user oriented. It does not give much insight into how the system is implemented. It does not detail every option and capability of every command and routine. An extensive set of manual pages cover all the commands and internal routines in great detail and are meant to supplement this document.

The reader will note a heavy bias towards the C programming language, especially in the code samples. There is no Fortran version of this document. The text attempts to be language insensitive and the appendices contain Fortran code samples and routine prototypes.

We have kept the font and syntax conventions to a minimum. code This font is used for things you type on the keyboard or

see printed on the screen. We use it in code sections and tables but not in the main text.

&lt;symbol&gt; This is a symbol used to abstract something you would

type. We use this convention in commands.

Section Italics are used to cross reference another section in the

document or another document. Italics are also used to distinguish LAM commands.

How to UseThis Document


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM How to Use This Document 2 LAM Architecture 7

Debugging 7 MPI Implementation 8 How to Get LAM 8

LAM / MPI Tutorial Introduction Programming Tutorial 9

The World of MPI 10 Enter and Exit MPI 10 Who Am I; Who Are They? 10 Sending Messages 11 Receiving Messages 11 Master / Slave Example 12

Operation Tutorial 15

Compilation 15 Starting LAM 15 Executing Programs 16 Monitoring 17 Terminating the Session 18

MPI Programming Primer Basic Concepts 19 Initialization 21

Basic Parallel Information 21 Blocking Point-to-Point 22

Send Modes 22 Standard Send 22 Receive 23 Status Object 23 Message Lengths 23 Probe 24

Nonblocking Point-to-Point 25

Request Completion 26 Probe 26 Table ofContents


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM Message Datatypes 27

Derived Datatypes 28 Strided Vector Datatype 28 Structure Datatype 29 Packed Datatype 31

Collective Message-Passing 34

Broadcast 34 Scatter 34 Gather 35 Reduce 35

Creating Communicators 38

Inter-communicators 40 Fault Tolerance 40

Process Topologies 41 Process Creation 44

Portable Resource Specification 45 Miscellaneous MPI Features 46

Error Handling 46 Attribute Caching 47 Timing 48

LAM / MPI Extensions Remote File Access 50

Portability and Standard I/O 51 Collective I/O 52

Cubix Example 54 Signal Handling 55

Signal Delivery 55 Debugging and Tracing 56

LAM Command Reference Getting Started 57 Setting Up the UNIX Environment 57

5 MPI Primer / Developing with LAM

Node Mnemonics 57 Process Identification 58 On-line Help 58

Compiling MPI Programs 60 Starting LAM 61

recon 61 lamboot 61 Fault Tolerance 61 tping 62 wipe 62

Executing MPI Programs 63

mpirun 63 Application Schema 63 Locating Executable Files 64 Direct Communication 64 Guaranteed Envelope Resources 64 Trace Collection 65 lamclean 65

Process Monitoring and Control 66

mpitask 66 GPS Identification 68 Communicator Monitoring 69 Datatype Monitoring 69 doom 70

Message Monitoring and Control 71

mpimsg 71 Message Contents 72 bfctl 72

Collecting Trace Data 73

lamtrace 73 Adding and Deleting LAM Nodes 74

lamgrow 74 lamshrink 74

File Monitoring and Control 75 fstate 75 fctl 75

6 MPI Primer / Developing with LAM Writing a LAM Boot Schema 76

Host File Syntax 76 Low Level LAM Start-up 77

Process Schema 77 hboot 77 Appendix A: Fortran Bindings 79 Appendix B: Fortran Example Program 85


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM LAM runs on each computer as a single daemon (server) uniquely structured as a nano-kernel and hand-threaded virtual processes. The nano-kernel component provides a simple message-passing, rendez-vous service to local processes. Some of the in-daemon processes form a network communication subsystem, which transfers messages to and from other LAM daemons on other machines. The network subsystem adds features such as packetization and buffering to the base synchronization. Other in-daemon processes are servers for remote capabilities, such as program execution and parallel file access. The layering is quite distinct: the nano-kernel has no connection with the network subsystem, which has no connection with the servers. Users can configure in or out services as necessary.

The unique software engineering of LAM is transparent to users and system administrators, who only see a conventional daemon. System developers can de-cluster the daemon into a daemon containing only the nano-kernel and several full client processes. This developers' mode is still transparent to users but exposes LAM's highly modular components to simplified individual debugging. It also reveals LAM's evolution from Trollius, which ran natively on scalable multicomputers and joined them to a host network through a uniform programming interface.

The network layer in LAM is a documented, primitive and abstract layer on which to implement a more powerful communication standard like MPI (PVM has also been implemented).

A most important feature of LAM is hands-on control of the multicomputer. There is very little that cannot be seen or changed at runtime. Programs residing anywhere can be executed anywhere, stopped, resumed, killed, and watched the whole time. Messages can be viewed anywhere on the multicomputer and buffer constraints tuned as experience with the application


local msgs, client mgmt network msgs MPI, client / server cmds, apps, GUIs Figure 1: LAM's Layered Design Debugging


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM dictates. If the synchronization of a process and a message can be easily displayed, mismatches resulting in bugs can easily be found. These and other services are available both as a programming library and as utility programs run from any shell.

MPI synchronization boils down to four variables: context, tag, source rank, and destination rank. These are mapped to LAM's abstract synchronization at the network layer. MPI debugging tools interpret the LAM information with the knowledge of the LAM / MPI mapping and present detailed information to MPI programmers.

A significant portion of the MPI specification can be and is implemented within the runtime system and independent of the underlying environment.

As with all MPI implementations, LAM must synchronize the launch of MPI applications so that all processes locate each other before user code is entered. The mpirun command achieves this after finding and loading the program(s) which constitute the application. A simple SPMD application can be specified on the mpirun command line while a more complex configuration is described in a separate file, called an application schema.

MPI programs developed on LAM can be moved without source code changes to any other platform that supports MPI.

LAM installs anywhere and uses the shell's search path at all times to find LAM and application executables. A multicomputer is specified as a simple list of machine names in a file, which LAM uses to verify access, start the environment, and remove it.

LAM is freely available under a GNU license via anonymous ftp from ftp.osc.edu. MPIImplementation How to Get LAM


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM LAM / MPI Tutorial Introduction The example programs in this section illustrate common operations in MPI. You will also see how to run and debug a program with LAM.

For basic applications, MPI is as easy to use as any other message-passing library. The first program is designed to run with exactly two processes. One process sends a message to the other and then both terminate. Enter the following code in trivial.c or obtain the source from the LAM source distribution (examples/trivial/trivial.c).

/* * Transmit a message in a two process system. */

#include &lt;mpi.h&gt; #define BUFSIZE 64 int buf[64]; int main(argc, argv)

int argc; char *argv[];


int size, rank; MPI_Status status;

/* * Initialize MPI. */

MPI_Init(&amp;argc, &amp;argv);

/* * Error check the number of processes. * Determine my rank in the world group. ProgrammingTutorial


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM * The sender will be rank 0 and the receiver, rank 1. */

MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &amp;size);

if (2 != size) {

MPI_Finalize(); return(1); }

MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &amp;rank); /* * As rank 0, send a message to rank 1. */

if (0 == rank) {

MPI_Send(buf, sizeof(buf), MPI_INT, 1, 11,


/* * As rank 1, receive a message from rank 0. */

else {

MPI_Recv(buf, sizeof(buf), MPI_INT, 0, 11,

MPI_COMM_WORLD, &amp;status); }

MPI_Finalize(); return(0); }

Note that the program uses standard C program structure, statements, variable declarations and types, and functions.

Processes are represented by a unique "rank" (integer) and ranks are numbered 0, 1, 2, ..., N-1. MPI_COMM_WORLD means "all the processes in the MPI application." It is called a communicator and it provides all information necessary to do message-passing. Portable libraries do more with communicators to provide synchronization protection that most other message-passing systems cannot handle.

As with other systems, two routines are provided to initialize and cleanup an MPI process:

MPI_Init(int *argc, char ***argv); MPI_Finalize(void);

Typically, a process in a parallel application needs to know who it is (its rank) and how many other processes exist. A process finds out its own rank by calling MPI_Comm_rank(). The World ofMPI Enter and ExitMPI Who Am I; WhoAre They?


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_Comm comm, int *rank); The total number of processes is returned by MPI_Comm_size(). MPI_Comm_size(MPI_Comm comm, int *size); A message is an array of elements of a given datatype. MPI supports all the basic datatypes and allows a more elaborate application to construct new datatypes at runtime.

A message is sent to a specific process and is marked by a tag (integer) specified by the user. Tags are used to distinguish between different message types a process might send/receive. In the example program above, the additional synchronization offered by the tag is unnecessary. Therefore, any random value is used that matches on both sides.

MPI_Send(void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype

dtype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm);

A receiving process specifies the tag and the rank of the sending process. MPI_ANY_TAG and MPI_ANY_SOURCE may be used to receive a message of any tag and from any sending process.

MPI_Recv(void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype

dtype, int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status);

Information about the received message is returned in a status variable. If wildcards are used, the received message tag is status.MPI_TAG and the rank of the sending process is status.MPI_SOURCE.

Another routine, not used in the example program, returns the number of datatype elements received. It is used when the number of elements received might be smaller than number specified to MPI_Recv(). It is an error to send more elements than the receiving process will accept.

MPI_Get_count(MPI_Status, &amp;status,

MPI_Datatype dtype, int *nelements); SendingMessages ReceivingMessages


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM The following example program is a communication skeleton for a dynamically load balanced master/slave application. The source can be obtained from the LAM source distribution (examples/trivial/ezstart.c). The program is designed to work with a minimum of two processes: one master and one slave.

#include &lt;mpi.h&gt; #define WORKTAG 1 #define DIETAG 2 #define NUM_WORK_REQS 200

static void master(); static void slave();

/* * main * This program is really MIMD, but is written SPMD for * simplicity in launching the application. */ int main(argc, argv)

int argc; char *argv[];


int myrank;

MPI_Init(&amp;argc, &amp;argv); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, /* group of everybody */

&amp;myrank); /* 0 thru N-1 */

if (myrank == 0) {

master(); } else {

slave(); }

MPI_Finalize(); return(0); }

/* * master * The master process sends work requests to the slaves * and collects results. */ static void master()


int ntasks, rank, work; double result; MPI_Status status;


&amp;ntasks); /* #processes in app */ Master / SlaveExample


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM /* * Seed the slaves. */

work = NUM_WORK_REQS; /* simulated work */

for (rank = 1; rank &lt; ntasks; ++rank) {

MPI_Send(&amp;work, /* message buffer */

1, /* one data item */ MPI_INT, /* of this type */ rank, /* to this rank */ WORKTAG, /* a work message */ MPI_COMM_WORLD); /* always use this */

work--; }

/* * Receive a result from any slave and dispatch a new work * request until work requests have been exhausted. */

while (work &gt; 0) {

MPI_Recv(&amp;result, /* message buffer */

1, /* one data item */ MPI_DOUBLE, /* of this type */ MPI_ANY_SOURCE, /* from anybody */ MPI_ANY_TAG, /* any message */ MPI_COMM_WORLD, /* communicator */ &amp;status); /* recv'd msg info */

MPI_Send(&amp;work, 1, MPI_INT, status.MPI_SOURCE,


work--; /* simulated work */ }

/* * Receive results for outstanding work requests. */

for (rank = 1; rank &lt; ntasks; ++rank) {

MPI_Recv(&amp;result, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_ANY_SOURCE,

MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &amp;status); }

/* * Tell all the slaves to exit. */

for (rank = 1; rank &lt; ntasks; ++rank) {

MPI_Send(0, 0, MPI_INT, rank, DIETAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } }


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM /* * slave


double result; int work; MPI_Status status;

for (;;) {

MPI_Recv(&amp;work, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_ANY_TAG,

MPI_COMM_WORLD, &amp;status);

/* * Check the tag of the received message. */

if (status.MPI_TAG == DIETAG) {

return; }

sleep(2); result = 6.0; /* simulated result */

MPI_Send(&amp;result, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0,

MPI_COMM_WORLD); } } The workings of ranks, tags and message lengths should be mastered before constructing serious MPI applications.


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM Before running LAM you must establish certain environment variables and search paths for your shell. Add the following commands or equivalent to your shell start-up file (.cshrc, assuming C shell). Do not add these to your .login as they would not be effective on remote machines when rsh is used to start LAM.

setenv LAMHOME &lt;LAM installation directory&gt; set path = ($path $LAMHOME/bin)

The local system administrator, or the person who installed LAM, will know the location of the LAM installation directory. After editing the shell startup file, invoke it to establish the new values. This is not necessary on subsequent logins to the UNIX system.

% source .cshrc Many LAM commands require one or more nodeids. Nodeids are specified on the command line as n&lt;list&gt;, where &lt;list&gt; is a list of comma separated nodeids or nodeid ranges.

n1 n1,3,5-10

The mnemonic `h' refers to the local node where the command is typed (as in `here').

Any native C compiler is used to translate LAM programs for execution. All LAM runtime routines are found in a few libraries. LAM provides a wrapping command called hcc which invokes cc with the proper header and library directories, and is used exactly like the native cc.

% hcc -o trivial trivial.c -lmpi The major, internal LAM libraries are automatically linked. The MPI library is explicitly linked. Since LAM supports heterogeneous computing, it is up to the user to compile the source code for each of the various CPUs on their respective machines. After correcting any errors reported by the compiler, proceed to starting the LAM session.

Before starting LAM, the user specifies the machines that will form the multicomputer. Create a host file listing the machine names, one on each line. An example file is given below for the machines "ohio" and "osc". Lines starting with the # character are treated as comment lines. OperationTutorial Compilation Starting LAM


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM # a 2-node LAM ohio osc

The first machine in the host file will be assigned nodeid 0, the second nodeid 1, etc. Now verify that the multicomputer is ready to run LAM. The recon tool checks if the user has access privileges on each machine in the multicomputer and if LAM is installed and accessible.

% recon -v &lt;host file&gt; If recon does not report a problem, proceed to start the LAM session with the lamboot tool.

% lamboot -v &lt;host file&gt; The -v (verbose) option causes lamboot to report on the start-up process as it progresses. You should return to the your own shell's prompt. LAM presents no special shell or interface environment.

Even if all seems well after start-up, verify communication with each node. tping is a simple confidence building command for this purpose.

% tping n0 Repeat this command for all nodes or ping all the nodes at once with the broadcast mnemonic, N. tping responds by sending a message between the local node (where the user invoked tping) and the specified node. Successful execution of tping proves that the target node, nodes along the route from the local node to the target node, and the communication links between them are working properly. If tping fails, press Control-Z, terminate the session with the wipe tool and then restart the system. See Terminating the Session.

To execute a program, use the mpirun command. The first example program is designed to run with two processes. The -c &lt;#&gt; option runs copies of the given program on nodes selected in a round-robin manner.

% mpirun -v -c 2 trivial The example invocation above assumes that the program is locatable on the machine on which it will run. mpirun can also transfer the program to the target node before running it. Assuming your multicomputer for this tutorial is homogeneous, you can use the -s h option to run both processes.

% mpirun -v -c 2 -s h trivial ExecutingPrograms


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM If the processes executed correctly, they will terminate and leave no traces. If you want more feedback, try using tprintf() functions within the program.

The first example program runs too quickly to be monitored. Try changing the tag in the call to MPI_Recv() to 12 (from 11). Recompile the program and rerun it as before. Now the receiving process cannot synchronize with the message from the send process because the tags are unequal. Look at the status of all MPI processes with the mpitask command.

You will notice that the receiving process is blocked in a call to MPI_Recv() - a synchronizing message has not been received. From the code we know this is process rank 1 in the MPI application, which is confirmed in the first column, the MPI task identification. The first number is the rank within the world group. The second number is the rank within the communicator being used by MPI_Recv(), in this case (and in many applications with simple communication structure) also the world group. The specified source of the message is likewise identified. The synchronization tag is 12 and the length of the receive buffer is 64 elements of type MPI_INT.

The message was transferred from the sending process to a system buffer en route to process rank 1. MPI_Send() was able to return and the process has called MPI_Finalize(). System buffers, which can be thought of as message queues for each MPI process, can be examined with the mpimsg command.

The message shows that it originated from process rank 0 using MPI_COMM_WORLD and that it is waiting in the message queue of process rank 1, the destination. The tag is 11 and the message contains 64 elements of type MPI_INT. This information corresponds to the arguments given to MPI_Send(). Since the application is faulty and will never complete, we will kill it with the lamclean command.

% lamclean -v


% mpitask TASK (G/L) FUNCTION PEER|ROOT TAG COMM COUNT DATATYPE 0/0 trivial Finalize 1/1 trivial Recv 0/0 12 WORLD 64 INT % mpimsg SRC (G/L) DEST (G/L) TAG COMM COUNT DATATYPE MSG 0/0 1/1 11 WORLD 64 INT n1,#0


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM The LAM session should be in the same state as after invoking lamboot. You can also terminate the session and restart it with lamboot, but this is a much slower operation. You can now correct the program, recompile and rerun.

To terminate LAM, use the wipe tool. The host file argument must be the same as the one given to lamboot.

% wipe -v &lt;host file&gt; Terminating theSession


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM MPI Programming Primer Through Message Passing Interface (MPI) an application views its parallel environment as a static group of processes. An MPI process is born into the world with zero or more siblings. This initial collection of processes is called the world group. A unique number, called a rank, is assigned to each member process from the sequence 0 through N-1, where N is the total number of processes in the world group. A member can query its own rank and the size of the world group. Processes may all be running the same program (SPMD) or different programs (MIMD). The world group processes may subdivide, creating additional subgroups with a potentially different rank in each group.

A process sends a message to a destination rank in the desired group. A process may or may not specify a source rank when receiving a message. Messages are further filtered by an arbitrary, user specified, synchronization integer called a tag, which the receiver may also ignore.

An important feature of MPI is the ability to guarantee independent software developers that their choice of tag in a particular library will not conflict with the choice of tag by some other independent developer or by the end user of the library. A further synchronization integer called a context is allocated by MPI and is automatically attached to every message. Thus, the four main synchronization variables in MPI are the source and destination ranks, the tag and the context.

A communicator is an opaque MPI data structure that contains information on one group and that contains one context. A communicator is an argument Basic Concepts


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM to all MPI communication routines. After a process is created and initializes MPI, three predefined communicators are available.

MPI_COMM_WORLD the world group MPI_COMM_SELF group with one member, myself MPI_COMM_PARENT an intercommunicator between two groups:

my world group and my parent group (See Dynamic Processes.)

Many applications require no other communicators beyond the world communicator. If new subgroups or new contexts are needed, additional communicators must be created. MPI constants, templates and prototypes are in the MPI header file, mpi.h. #include &lt;mpi.h&gt;


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM MPI_Init Initialize MPI state. MPI_Finalize Clean up MPI state. MPI_Abort Abnormally terminate. MPI_Comm_size Get group process count. MPI_Comm_rank Get my rank within process group.

MPI_Initialized Has MPI been initialized?

The first MPI routine called by a program must be MPI_Init(). The command line arguments are passed to MPI_Init().

MPI_Init(int *argc, char **argv[]); A process ceases MPI operations with MPI_Finalize(). MPI_Finalize(void); In response to an error condition, a process can terminate itself and all members of a communicator with MPI_Abort(). The implementation may report the error code argument to the user in a manner consistent with the underlying operation system.

MPI_Abort (MPI_Comm comm, int errcode); Two numbers that are very useful to most parallel applications are the total number of parallel processes and self process identification. This information is learned from the MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator using the routines MPI_Comm_size() and MPI_Comm_rank().

MPI_Comm_size (MPI_Comm comm, int *size); MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_Comm comm, int *rank);

Of course, any communicator may be used, but the world information is usually key to decomposing data across the entire parallel application.

Initialization Basic ParallelInformation


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM MPI_Send Send a message in standard mode. MPI_Recv Receive a message. MPI_Get_count Count the elements received. MPI_Probe Wait for message arrival.

MPI_Bsend Send a message in buffered mode. MPI_Ssend Send a message in synchronous mode. MPI_Rsend Send a message in ready mode. MPI_Buffer_attach Attach a buffer for buffered sends. MPI_Buffer_detach Detach the current buffer. MPI_Sendrecv Send in standard mode, then receive. MPI_Sendrecv_replace Send and receive from/to one area. MPI_Get_elements Count the basic elements received.

This section focuses on blocking, point-to-point, message-passing routines. The term "blocking" in MPI means that the routine does not return until the associated data buffer may be reused. A point-to-point message is sent by one process and received by one process.

The issues of flow control and buffering present different choices in designing message-passing primitives. MPI does not impose a single choice but instead offers four transmission modes that cover the synchronization, data transfer and performance needs of most applications. The mode is selected by the sender through four different send routines, all with identical argument lists. There is only one receive routine. The four send modes are:

standard The send completes when the system can buffer the mes

sage (it is not obligated to do so) or when the message is received.

buffered The send completes when the message is buffered in

application supplied space, or when the message is received.

synchronous The send completes when the message is received. ready The send must not be started unless a matching receive

has been started. The send completes immediately.

Standard mode serves the needs of most applications. A standard mode message is sent with MPI_Send().

MPI_Send (void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype

dtype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm);

BlockingPoint-to-Point Send Modes Standard Send


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM An MPI message is not merely a raw byte array. It is a count of typed elements. The element type may be a simple raw byte or a complex data structure. See Message Datatypes.

The four MPI synchronization variables are indicated by the MPI_Send() parameters. The source rank is the caller's. The destination rank and message tag are explicitly given. The context is a property of the communicator.

As a blocking routine, the buffer can be overwritten when MPI_Send() returns. Although most systems will buffer some number of messages, especially short messages, without any receiver, a programmer cannot rely upon MPI_Send() to buffer even one message. Expect that the routine will not return until there is a matching receiver.

A message in any mode is received with MPI_Recv(). MPI_Recv (void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype

dtype, int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status);

Again the four synchronization variables are indicated, with source and destination swapping places. The source rank and the tag can be ignored with the special values MPI_ANY_SOURCE and MPI_ANY_TAG. If both these wildcards are used, the next message for the given communicator is received.

An argument not present in MPI_Send() is the status object pointer. The status object is filled with useful information when MPI_Recv() returns. If the source and/or tag wildcards were used, the actual received source rank and/ or message tag are accessible directly from the status object.

status.MPI_SOURCE the sender's rank status.MPI_TAG the tag given by the sender

It is erroneous for an MPI program to receive a message longer than the specified receive buffer. The message might be truncated or an error condition might be raised or both. It is completely acceptable to receive a message shorter than the specified receive buffer. If a short message may arrive, the application can query the actual length of the message with MPI_Get_count().

MPI_Get_count (MPI_Status *status,

MPI_Datatype dtype, int *count); Receive Status Object Message Lengths


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM The status object and MPI datatype are those provided to MPI_Recv(). The count returned is the number of elements received of the given datatype. See Message Datatypes.

Sometimes it is impractical to pre-allocate a receive buffer. MPI_Probe() synchronizes a message and returns information about it without actually receiving it. Only synchronization variables and the status object are provided as arguments. MPI_Probe() does not return until a message is synchronized.

MPI_Probe (in source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm,

MPI_Status *status);

After a suitable message buffer has been prepared, the same message reported by MPI_Probe() can be received with MPI_Recv(). Probe


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM MPI_Isend Begin to send a standard message. MPI_Irecv Begin to receive a message. MPI_Wait Complete a pending request. MPI_Test Check or complete a pending request. MPI_Iprobe Check message arrival.

MPI_Ibsend Begin to send a buffered message. MPI_Issend Begin to send a synchronous message. MPI_Irsend Begin to send a ready message. MPI_Request_free Free a pending request. MPI_Waitany Complete any one request. MPI_Testany Check or complete any one request. MPI_Waitall Complete all requests. MPI_Testall Check or complete all requests. MPI_Waitsome Complete one or more requests. MPI_Testsome Check or complete one or more requests. MPI_Cancel Cancel a pending request. MPI_Test_cancelled Check if a pending request was cancelled.

The term "nonblocking" in MPI means that the routine returns immediately and may only have started the message transfer operation, not necessarily completed it. The application may not safely reuse the message buffer after a nonblocking routine returns. The four blocking send routines and one blocking receive routine all have nonblocking counterparts. The nonblocking routines have an extra output argument - a request object. The request is later passed to one of a suite of completion routines. Once an operation has completed, its message buffer can be reused.

The intent of nonblocking message-passing is to start a message transfer at the earliest possible moment, continue immediately with important computation, and then insist upon completion at the latest possible moment. When the earliest and latest moment are the same, nonblocking routines are not useful. Otherwise, a non-blocking operation on certain hardware could overlap communication and computation, thus improving performance.

MPI_Isend() begins a standard nonblocking message send. MPI_Isend (void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype

dtype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Request *req); NonblockingPoint-to-Point


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM Likewise, MPI_Irecv() begins a nonblocking message receive. MPI_Irecv (void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype

dtype, int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Request *req);

Both routines accept arguments with the same meaning as their blocking counterparts. When the application wishes to complete a nonblocking send or receive, a completion routine is called with the corresponding request. The Test() routine is nonblocking and the Wait() routine is blocking. Other completion routines operate on multiple requests.

MPI_Test (MPI_Request *req, int *flag,

MPI_Status *status);

MPI_Wait (MPI_Request *req, MPI_Status *status);

MPI_Test() returns a flag in an output argument that indicates if the request completed. If true, the status object argument is filled with information. If the request was a receive operation, the status object is filled as in MPI_Recv(). Since MPI_Wait() blocks until completion, the status object argument is always filled.

MPI_Iprobe() is the nonblocking counterpart of MPI_Probe(), but it does not return a request object since it does not begin any message transfer that would need to complete. It sets the flag argument which indicates the presence of a matching message (for a subsequent receive).

MPI_Iprobe (int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm,

int *flag, MPI_Status *status);

Programmers should not consider the nonblocking routines as simply fast versions of the blocking calls and therefore the preferred choice in all applications. Some implementations cannot take advantage of the opportunity to optimize performance offered by the nonblocking routines. In order to preserve the semantics of the message-passing interface, some implementations may even be slower with nonblocking transfers. Programmers should have a clear and substantial computation overlap before considering nonblocking routines.

RequestCompletion Probe


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM MPI_Type_vector Create a strided homogeneous vector. MPI_Type_struct Create a heterogeneous structure. MPI_Address Get absolute address of memory location. MPI_Type_commit Use datatype in message transfers. MPI_Pack Pack element into contiguous buffer. MPI_Unpack Unpack element from contiguous buffer. MPI_Pack_size Get packing buffer size requirement.

MPI_Type_continuous Create contiguous homogeneous array. MPI_Type_hvector Create vector with byte displacement. MPI_Type_indexed Create a homogeneous structure. MPI_Type_hindexed Create an index with byte displacements. MPI_Type_extent Get range of space occupied by a datatype. MPI_Type_size Get amount of space occupied by a datatype. MPI_Type_lb Get displacement of datatype's lower bound. MPI_Type_ub Get displacement of datatype's upper bound. MPI_Type_free Free a datatype.

Heterogeneous computing requires that message data be typed or described somehow so that its machine representation can be converted as necessary between computer architectures. MPI can thoroughly describe message datatypes, from the simple primitive machine types to complex structures, arrays and indices.

The message-passing routines all accept a datatype argument, whose C typedef is MPI_Datatype. For example, recall MPI_Send(). Message data is specified as a number of elements of a given type.

Several MPI_Datatype values, covering the basic data units on most computer architectures, are predefined:

MPI_CHAR signed char MPI_SHORT signed short MPI_INT signed int MPI_LONG signed long MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR unsigned char MPI_UNSIGNED_SHORT unsigned short MPI_UNSIGNED unsigned int MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG unsigned long MPI_FLOAT float MessageDatatypes


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM MPI_DOUBLE double MPI_LONG_DOUBLE long double MPI_BYTE a raw byte

The number of bytes occupied by these basic datatypes follows the corresponding C definition. Thus, MPI_INT could occupy four bytes on one machine and eight bytes on another machine. A message count of one MPI_INT specified by both sender and receiver would, in one direction, require padding and always be correct. In the reverse direction, the integer may not be representable in the lesser number of bytes and the communication will fail.

Derived datatypes are built by combining basic datatypes, or previously built derived datatypes. A derived datatype describes a memory layout which consists of multiple arrays of elements. A generalization of this capability is that the four varieties of constructor routines offer more or less control over array length, array element datatype and array displacement.

contiguous one array length, no displacement, one datatype vector one array length, one displacement, one datatype indexed multiple array lengths, multiple displacements, one


structure multiple everything

Consider a two dimensional matrix with R rows and C columns stored in row major order. The application wishes to communicate one entire column. A vector derived datatype fits the requirement.

MPI_Type_Vector (int count, int blocklength,

int stride, MPI_Datatype oldtype, MPI_Datatype *newtype);

Assuming the matrix elements are of MPI_INT, the arguments for the stated requirement would be:

int R, C; MPI_Datatype newtype;

MPI_Type_vector(R, 1, C, MPI_INT, &amp;newtype); MPI_Type_commit(&amp;newtype);

The count of blocks (arrays) is the number of elements in a column (R). Each block contains just one element and the elements are strided (displaced) from each other by the number of elements in a row (C).1 DerivedDatatypes Strided VectorDatatype


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM An arbitrary record whose template is a C structure is a common message form. The most flexible MPI derived datatype, the structure, is required to describe the memory layout.

MPI_Type_struct (int count, int blocklengths[],

MPI_Aint displacements[], MPI_Datatype dtypes[], MPI_Datatype *newtype);

In the following code fragment, a C struct of diverse fields is described with MPI_Type_struct() in the safest, most portable manner.

/* * non-trivial structure */

struct cell {

double energy; char flags; float coord[3]; };

/* * We want to be able to send arrays of this datatype. */ struct cell cloud[2];

/* * new datatype for cell struct */ MPI_Datatype celltype;

  1. Note that this datatype is not sufficient to send multiple columns from the matrix, since it does not presume the final displacement between the last element of the first column and the first element of the second column. One solution is to use MPI_Type_struct() and MPI_UB. See Structure Datatype.

blklen (#elements)

displacement (#elements)

Figure 2: Strided Vector Datatype StructureDatatype


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM int blocklengths[4] = {1, 1, 3, 1}; MPI_Aint base; MPI_Aint displacements[4]; MPI_Datatype types[4] = {MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_CHAR,


MPI_Address(&amp;cloud[0].energy, &amp;displacement[0]); MPI_Address(&amp;cloud[0].flags, &amp;displacement[1]); MPI_Address(&amp;cloud[0].coord, &amp;displacement[2]); MPI_Address(&amp;cloud[1].energy, &amp;displacement[3]);

base = displacement[0]; for (i = 0; i &lt; 4; ++i) displacement[i] -= base; MPI_Type_struct(4, blocklengths, displacements, types,

&amp;celltype); MPI_Type_commit(&amp;celltype);

The displacements in a structure datatype are byte offsets from the first storage location of the C structure. Without guessing the compiler's policy for packing and alignment in a C structure, the MPI_Address() routine and some pointer arithmetic are the best way to get the precise values. MPI_Address() simply returns the absolute address of a location in memory. The displacement of the first element within the structure is zero.

When transferring arrays of a given datatype (by specifying a count greater than 1 in MPI_Send(), for example), MPI assumes that the array elements are stored contiguously. If necessary, a gap can be specified at the end of the derived datatype memory layout by adding an artificial element of type MPI_UB, to the datatype description and giving it a displacement that extends to the first byte of the second element in an array.

MPI_Type_Commit() separates the datatypes that will be used to transfer messages from the intermediate ones that are scaffolded on the way to some very complicated datatype. A derived datatype must be committed before being used in communication.

blklen (#elements) displacement (#bytes) Figure 3: Struct Datatype


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM The description of a derived datatype is fixed after creation at runtime. If any slight detail changes, such as the blocklength of a particular field in a structure, a new datatype is required. In addition to the tedium of creating many derived datatypes, a receiver may not know in advance which of a nearly identical suite of datatypes will arrive in the next message. MPI's solution is packing and unpacking routines that incrementally assemble and disassemble a contiguous message buffer. The packed message has the special MPI datatype, MPI_PACKED, and is transferred with a count equal to its length in bytes.

MPI_Pack_size (int incount, MPI_Datatype dtype,

MPI_Comm comm, int *size);

MPI_Pack_size() returns the packed message buffer size requirement for a given datatype. This may be greater than one would expect from the type description due to hidden, implementation dependent packing overhead.

MPI_Pack (void *inbuf, int incount, MPI_Datatype

dtype, void *outbuf, int outsize, int *position, MPI_Comm comm);

Contiguous blocks of homogeneous elements are packed one at a time with MPI_Pack(). After each call, the current location in the packed message buffer is updated. The "in" data are the elements to be packed and the "out" data is the packed message buffer. The outsize is always the maximum size of the packed message buffer, to guard against overflow.

Packed Datatype

Figure 4: Packed Datatype ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

outcount (#bytes)

incount (#elements) position


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM MPI_Unpack (void *inbuf, int insize,

int *position, void *outbuf, int outcount, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Comm comm);

MPI_Unpack() is the natural reverse of MPI_Pack() where the "in" data is the packed message buffer and the "out" data are the elements to be unpacked.

Consider a networking application that is transferring a variable length message consisting of a count, several (count) Internet addresses as four byte character arrays and an equal number of port numbers as shorts.

#define MAXN 100 unsigned char addrs[MAXN][4]; short ports[MAXN];

In the following code fragment, a message is packed and sent based on a given count.

unsigned int membersize, maxsize; int position; int nhosts; int dest, tag; char *buffer;

/* * Do this once. */ MPI_Pack_size(1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &amp;membersize); maxsize = membersize; MPI_Pack_size(MAXN * 4, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, MPI_COMM_WORLD,

&amp;membersize); maxsize += membersize; MPI_Pack_size(MAXN, MPI_SHORT, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &amp;membersize); maxsize += membersize; buffer = malloc(maxsize);

/* * Do this for every new message. */ nhosts = /* some number less than MAXN */ 50; position = 0; MPI_Pack(nhosts, 1, MPI_INT, buffer, maxsize, &amp;position,

MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Pack(addrs, nhosts * 4, MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, buffer,

maxsize, &amp;position, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Pack(ports, nhosts, MPI_SHORT, buffer, maxsize,

&amp;position, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

MPI_Send(buffer, position, MPI_PACKED, dest, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

33 MPI Primer / Developing with LAM A buffer is allocated once to contain the maximum size of a packed message. In the following code fragment, a message is received and unpacked, based on a count packed into the beginning of the message.

int src; int msgsize; MPI_Status status;

MPI_Recv(buffer, maxsize, MPI_PACKED, src, tag,

MPI_COMM_WORLD, &amp;status);

position = 0; MPI_Get_count(&amp;status, MPI_PACKED, &amp;msgsize);

MPI_Unpack(buffer, msgsize, &amp;position, &amp;nhosts, 1, MPI_INT,

MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Unpack(buffer, msgsize, &amp;position, addrs, nhosts * 4,

MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR, MPI_COMM_WORLD); MPI_Unpack(buffer, msgsize, &amp;position, ports, nhosts, MPI_SHORT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM MPI_Bcast Send one message to all group members. MPI_Gather Receive and concatenate from all members. MPI_Scatter Separate and distribute data to all members. MPI_Reduce Combine messages from all members.

MPI_Barrier Wait until all group members reach this point. MPI_Gatherv Vary counts and buffer displacements. MPI_Scatterv Vary counts and buffer displacements. MPI_Allgather Gather and then broadcast. MPI_Allgatherv Variably gather and then broadcast. MPI_Alltoall Gather and then scatter. MPI_Alltoallv Variably gather and then scatter. MPI_Op_create Create reduction operation. MPI_Allreduce Reduce and then broadcast. MPI_Reduce_scatter Reduce and then scatter. MPI_Scan Perform a prefix reduction.

Collective operations consist of many point-to-point messages which happen more or less concurrently (depending on the operation and the internal algorithm) and involve all processes in a given communicator. Every process must call the same MPI collective routine. Most of the collective operations are variations and/or combinations of four primitives: broadcast, gather, scatter and reduce.

MPI_Bcast (void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype

dtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm);

In the broadcast operation, all processes specify the same root process, whose buffer contents will be sent. Processes other than the root specify receive buffers. After the operation, all buffers contain the message from the root process.

MPI_Scatter (void *sendbuf, int sendcount,

MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm);

MPI_Scatter() is also a one-to-many collective operation. All processes specify the same receive count. The send arguments are only significant to the root process, whose buffer actually contains sendcount * N elements of the given datatype, where N is the number of processes in the given communicator. The send buffer will be divided equally and dispersed to all pro



Broadcast Scatter


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM cesses (including itself). After the operation, the root has sent sendcount elements to each process in increasing rank order. Rank 0 receives the first sendcount elements from the send buffer. Rank 1 receives the second sendcount elements from the send buffer, and so on.

MPI_Gather (void *sendbuf, int sendcount,

MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root, MPI_Comm comm);

MPI_Gather() is a many-to-one collective operation and is a complete reverse of the description of MPI_Scatter().

MPI_Reduce (void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf,

int count, MPI_Datatype dtype, MPI_Op op, int root, MPI_Comm comm);

MPI_Reduce() is also a many-to-one collective operation. All processes specify the same count and reduction operation. After the reduction, all processes have sent count elements from their send buffer to the root process.

Figure 5: Primitive Collective Operations


Gather Scatter


rank 0 rank 1 rank 2 rank 3 Gather Reduce


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM Elements from corresponding send buffer locations are combined pair-wise to yield a single corresponding element in the root process's receive buffer. The full reduction expression over all processes is always associative and may or may not be commutative. Application specific reduction operations can be defined at runtime. MPI provides several pre-defined operations, all of which are commutative. They can be used only with sensible MPI predefined datatypes.

MPI_MAX maximum MPI_MIN minimum MPI_SUM sum MPI_PROD product MPI_LAND logical and MPI_BAND bitwise and MPI_LOR logical or MPI_BOR bitwise or MPI_LXOR logical exclusive or MPI_BXOR bitwise exclusive or

The following code fragment illustrates the primitive collective operations together in the context of a statically partitioned regular data domain (e.g., 1-D array). The global domain information is initially obtained by the root process (e.g., rank 0) and is broadcast to all other processes. The initial dataset is also obtained by the root and is scattered to all processes. After the computation phase, a global maximum is returned to the root process followed by the new dataset itself.

/* * parallel programming with a single control process */

int root; int rank, size; int i;

int full_domain_length; int sub_domain_length;

double *full_domain, *sub_domain; double local_max, global_max; root = 0; MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &amp;size); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &amp;rank);


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM /* * Root obtains full domain and broadcasts its length. */

if (rank == root) {


&amp;full_domain_length); }

MPI_Bcast(&amp;full_domain_length, 1 MPI_INT, root,


/* * Distribute the initial dataset. */

sub_domain_length = full_domain_length / size; sub_domain = (double *) malloc(sub_domain_length *


MPI_Scatter(full_domain, sub_domain_length,

MPI_DOUBLE, sub_domain, sub_domain_length, MPI_DOUBLE, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

/* * Compute the new dataset. */

compute(sub_domain, sub_domain_length, &amp;local_max);

/* * Reduce the local maxima to one global maximum * at the root. */

MPI_Reduce(&amp;local_max, &amp;global_max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE,


/* * Collect the new dataset. */

MPI_Gather(sub_domain, sub_domain_length, MPI_DOUBLE, full_domain, sub_domain_length, MPI_DOUBLE, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM MPI_Comm_dup Duplicate communicator with new context. MPI_Comm_split Split into categorized sub-groups. MPI_Comm_free Release a communicator. MPI_Comm_remote_size

Count intercomm. remote group members. MPI_Intercomm_merge Create an intracomm. from an intercomm.

MPI_Comm_compare Compare two communicators. MPI_Comm_create Create a communicator with a given group. MPI_Comm_test_inter Test for intracommunicator or intercommunicator. MPI_Intercomm_create Create an intercommunicator.

MPI_Group_size Get number of processes in group. MPI_Group_rank Get rank of calling process. MPI_Group_translate_ranks

Processes in group A have what ranks in B? MPI_Group_compare Compare membership of two groups. MPI_Comm_group Get group from communicator. MPI_Group_union Create group with all members of 2 others. MPI_Group_intersection Create with common members of 2 others. MPI_Group_difference Create with the complement of intersection. MPI_Group_incl Create with specific members of old group. MPI_Group_excl Create with the complement of incl. MPI_Group_range_incl Create with ranges of old group members. MPI_Group_range_excl Create with the complement of range_incl. MPI_Group_free Release a group object.

A communicator could be described simply as a process group. Its creation is synchronized and its membership is static. There is no period in user code where a communicator is created but not all its members have joined. These qualities make communicators a solid parallel programming foundation. Three communicators are prefabricated before the user code is first called: MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_COMM_SELF and MPI_COMM_PARENT. See Basic Concepts.

Communicators carry a hidden synchronization variable called the context. If two processes agree on source rank, destination rank and message tag, but use different communicators, they will not synchronize. The extra synchronization means that the global software industry does not have to divide, allocate or reserve tag values. When writing a library or a module of an application, it is a good idea to create new communicators, and hence a pri CreatingCommunicators


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM vate synchronization space. The simplest MPI routine for this purpose is MPI_Comm_dup(), which duplicates everything in a communicator, particularly the group membership, and allocates a new context.

MPI_Comm_dup (MPI_comm comm, MPI_comm *newcomm); Applications may wish to split into many subgroups, sometimes for data parallel convenience (i.e. a row of a matrix), sometimes for functional grouping (i.e. multiple distinct programs in a dataflow architecture). The group membership can be extracted from the communicator and manipulated by an entire suite of MPI routines. The new group can then be used to create a new communicator. MPI also provides a powerful routine, MPI_Comm_split(), that starts with a communicator and results in one or more new communicators. It combines group splitting with communicator creation and is sufficient for many common application requirements.

MPI_Comm_split (MPI_comm comm, int color,

int key, MPI_Comm *newcomm);

The color and key arguments guide the group splitting. There will be one new communicator for each value of color. Processes providing the same value for color will be grouped in the same communicator. Their ranks in the new communicator are determined by sorting the key arguments. The lowest value of key will become rank 0. Ties are broken by rank in the old communicator. To preserve relative order from the old communicator, simply use the same key everywhere.

A communicator is released by MPI_Comm_free(). Underlying system resources may be conserved by releasing unwanted communicators.

MPI_Comm_free (MPI_Comm *comm); Figure 6: Communicator Split


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM An intercommunicator contains two groups: a local group in which the owning process is a member and a remote group of separate processes. The remote process group has the mirror image intercommunicator - the groups are flipped. Spawning new processes creates an intercommunicator. See Dynamic Processes. MPI_Intercomm_merge() creates an intracommunicator (the common form with a single group) from an intercommunicator. This is often done to permit collective operations, which can only be done on intracommunicators.

MPI_Intercomm_merge (MPI_Comm intercomm,

int high, MPI_Comm *newintracomm);

The new intracommunicator group contains the union of the two groups of the intercommunicator. The operation is collective over both groups. Rank ordering within the two founding groups is maintained. Ordering between the two founding groups is controlled by the high parameter, a boolean value. The intercommunicator group that sets this parameter true will occupy the higher ranks in the intracommunicator.

The number of members in the remote group of an intercommunicator is obtained by MPI_Comm_remote_size().

MPI_Comm_remote_size (MPI_Comm comm, int *size); Some MPI implementations may invalidate a communicator if a member process dies. The MPI library may raise an error condition on any attempt to use a dead communicator, including requests in progress whose communicator suddenly becomes invalid. These faults would then be detectable at the application level by setting a communicator's error handler to MPI_ERRORS_RETURN (See Miscellaneous MPI Features).

A crude but portable fault tolerant master/slave application can be constructed by using the following strategy:


and free the intercommunicator.

Dynamic Processes. Inter-communicators Fault Tolerance


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM MPI_Cart_create Create cartesian topology communicator. MPI_Dims_create Suggest balanced dimension ranges. MPI_Cart_rank Get rank from cartesian coordinates. MPI_Cart_coords Get cartesian coordinates from rank. MPI_Cart_shift Determine ranks for cartesian shift.

MPI_Cart_sub Split into lower dimensional sub-grids. MPI_Graph_create Create arbitrary topology communicator. MPI_Topo_test Get type of communicator topology. MPI_Graphdims_get Get number of edges and nodes. MPI_Graph_get Get edges and nodes. MPI_Cartdim_get Get number of dimensions. MPI_Cart_get Get dimensions, periodicity and local coordinates. MPI_Graph_neighbors_count

Get number of neighbors in a graph topology. MPI_Graph_neighbors Get neighbor ranks in a graph topology. MPI_Cart_map Suggest new ranks in an optimal cartesian mapping. MPI_Graph_map Suggest new ranks in an optimal graph mapping.

MPI is a process oriented programming model that is independent of underlying nodes in a parallel computer. Nevertheless, to enhance performance, the data movement patterns in a parallel application should match, as closely as possible, the communication topology of the hardware. Since it is difficult for compilers and message-passing systems to guess at an application's data movement, MPI allows the application to supply a topology to a communicator, in the hope that the MPI implementation will use that information to identify processes in an optimal manner.

For example, if the application is dominated by Cartesian communication and the parallel computer has a cartesian topology, it is preferable to align the distribution of data with the machine, and not blindly place any data coordinate at any node coordinate.

MPI provides two types of topologies, the ubiquitous cartesian grid, and an arbitrary graph. Topology information is attached to a communicator by creating a new communicator. MPI_Cart_create() does this for the cartesian topology.

MPI_Cart_create (MPI_Comm oldcomm, int ndims,

int *dims, int *periods, int reorder, MPI_Comm *newcomm); ProcessTopologies


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM The essential information for a cartesian topology is the number of dimensions, the length of each dimension and a periodicity flag (does the dimension wrap around?) for each dimension. The reorder argument is a flag that indicates if the application will allow a different ranking in the new topology communicator. Reordering may make coordinate calculation easier for the MPI implementation.

With a topology enhanced communicator, the application will use coordinates to decide source and destination ranks. Since MPI communication routines still use ranks, the coordinates must be translated into a rank and vice versa. MPI eases this translation with MPI_Cart_rank() and MPI_Cart_coords().

MPI_Cart_rank (MPI_comm comm, int *coords,

int *rank);

MPI_Cart_coords (MPI_Comm comm, int rank,

int maxdims, int *coords);

To further assist process identification in cartesian topology applications, MPI_Cart_shift() returns the ranks corresponding to common neighbourly shift communication. The direction (dimension) and relative distance are input arguments and two ranks are output arguments, one on each side of the calling process along the given direction. Depending on the periodicity of the cartesian topology associated with the given communicator, one or both ranks may be returned as MPI_PROC_NULL, indicating a shift off the edge of the grid.

MPI_Cart_shift (MPI_Comm comm, int direction,

int distance, int *rank_source, *int rank_dest);

Consider a two dimensional cartesian dataset. The following code skeleton establishes a corresponding process topology for any number of processes, and then creates a new communicator for collective operations on the first column of processes. Finally, it obtains the ranks which hold the previous and next rows, which would lead to data exchange.

int mycoords[2]; int dims[2]; int periods[2] = {1, 0}; int rank_prev, rank_next; int size; MPI_Comm comm_cart; MPI_Comm comm_col1;

43 MPI Primer / Developing with LAM /* * Create communicator with 2D grid topology. */

MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &amp;size); MPI_Dims_create(size, 2, dims); MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2, dims, periods, 1,


/* * Get local coordinates. */

MPI_Comm_rank(comm_cart, &amp;rank); MPI_Cart_coords(comm_cart, rank, 2, mycoords);

/* * Build new communicator on first column. */

if (mycoords[1] == 0) {

MPI_Comm_split(comm_cart, 0, mycoords[0],

&amp;comm_col1); } else {

MPI_Comm_split(comm_cart, MPI_UNDEFINED, 0,

&amp;comm_col1); }

/* * Get the ranks of the next and previous rows, same column. */

MPI_Cart_shift(comm_cart, 0, 1, &amp;rank_prev,


MPI_Dims_create() suggests the most balanced ("square") dimension ranges for a given number of nodes and dimensions.

A good reason for building a communicator over a subset of the grid, in this case the first column in a mesh, is to enable the use of collective operations. See Collective Message-Passing.

Figure 7: 2D Cartesian Topology 0,10,0 0,2 0,3 1,11,0 1,2 1,3 2,12,1 2,2 2,3 3,13,0 3,2 3,3


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM MPI_Spawn Start copies of one program. MPI_Spawn_multiple Start multiple programs. MPI_Port_open Obtain a connection point for a server. MPI_Port_close Release a connection point. MPI_Accept Accept a connection from a client. MPI_Connect Make a connection to a server. MPI_Name_publish Publish a connection point under a service name. MPI_Name_unpublish Stop publishing a connection point. MPI_Name_get Get connection point from service name.

MPI_Info_create Create a new info object. MPI_Info_set Store a key/value pair to an info object. MPI_Info_get Read the value associated with a stored key. MPI_Info_get_valuelen Get the length of a key value. MPI_Info_get_nkeys Get number of keys stored with an info object. MPI_Info_get_nthkey Get the key name in a sequence position. MPI_Info_dup Duplicate an info object. MPI_Info_free Destroy an info object. MPI_Info_delete Remove a key/value pair from an info object.

Due to the static nature of process groups in MPI (a virtue), process creation must be done carefully. Process creation is a collective operation over a given communicator. A group of processes are created by one call to MPI_Spawn(). The child processes start up, initialize and communicate in the traditional MPI way. They must begin by calling MPI_Init(). The child group has its own MPI_COMM_WORLD which is distinct from the world communicator of the parent group.

MPI_Spawn (char program[], char *argv[], int

maxprocs, MPI_Info info, int root, MPI_Comm, parents, MPI_Comm *children, int errs[]);

How do the parents communicate with their children? The natural mechanism for communication between two groups is the intercommunicator. An intercommunicator whose remote group contains the children is returned to the parents in the second communicator argument of MPI_Spawn(). The children get the mirror communicator, whose remote group contains the parents, as the pre-defined communicator MPI_COMM_PARENT. In the application's original process world that has no parent, the remote group of MPI_COMM_PARENT is of size 0. See Creating Communicators. ProcessCreation


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM The maxprocs parameter is the number of copies of the single program that will be created. Each process will be passed command line arguments consisting of the program name followed by the arguments specified in the argv parameter. (The argv parameter should not contain the program name.) The program name, maxprocs and argv are only significant in the parent process whose rank is given by the root parameter. The result of each individual process spawn is returned through the errs parameter, an array of MPI error codes.

New processes require resources, beginning with a processor. The specification of resources is a natural area where the MPI abstraction succumbs to the underlying operating system and all its domestic customs and conventions. It is thus difficult if not impossible for an MPI application to make a detailed resource specification and remain portable. The info parameter to MPI_Spawn is an opportunity for the programmer to choose control over portability. MPI implementations are not required to interpret this argument. Thus the only portable value for the info parameter is MPI_INFO_NULL.

Consult each MPI implementation's documentation for (non-portable) features within the info parameter and for the default behaviour with MPI_INFO_NULL.

A common and fairly abstract resource requirement is simply to fill the available processors with processes. MPI makes an attempt, with no guarantees of accuracy, to supply that information through a pre-defined attribute called MPI_UNIVERSE_SIZE, which is cached on MPI_COMM_WORLD. In typical usage, the application would subtract the value associated with MPI_UNIVERSE_SIZE from the current number of processes, often the size of MPI_COMM_WORLD. The difference is the recommended value for the maxprocs parameter of MPI_Spawn(). See Miscellaneous MPI Features on how to retrieve the value for MPI_UNIVERSE_SIZE. PortableResource Specification


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM MPI_Errhandler_create Create custom error handler. MPI_Errhandler_set Set error handler for communicator. MPI_Error_string Get description of error code. MPI_Error_class Get class of error code. MPI_Abort Abnormally terminate application. MPI_Attr_get Get cached attribute value. MPI_Wtime Get wall clock time.

MPI_Errhandler_get Get error handler from communicator. MPI_Errhandler_free Release custom error handler. MPI_Get_processor_name Get the caller's processor name. MPI_Wtick Get wall clock timer resolution. MPI_Get_version Get the MPI version numbers.

MPI_Keyval_create Create a new attribute key. MPI_Keyval_free Release an attribute key. MPI_Attr_put Cache an attribute in a communicator. MPI_Attr_delete Remove cached attribute.

An error handler is a software routine which is called when a error occurs during some MPI operation. One handler is associated with each communicator and is inherited by created communicators which derive from it. When an error occurs in an MPI routine that uses a communicator, that communicator's error handler is called. An application's initial communicator, MPI_COMM_WORLD, gets a default built-in handler, MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL, which aborts all tasks in the communicator.

An application may supply an error handler by first creating an MPI error handler object from a user routine.

MPI_Errhandler_create (void (*function)(),

MPI_Errhandler *errhandler);

Error handler routines have two pre-defined parameters followed by implementation dependent parameters using the ANSI C &lt;stdargs.h&gt; mechanism. The first parameter is the handler's communicator and the second is the error code describing the problem.

void function (MPI_Comm *comm, int *code, ...); The error handler object is then associated with a communicator by MPI_Errhandler_set().

MiscellaneousMPI Features Error Handling


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM MPI_Errhandler_set (MPI_Comm comm,

MPI_Errhandler errhandler);

A second built-in error handler is MPI_ERRORS_RETURN, which does nothing and allows the error code to be returned by the offending MPI routine where it can be tested and acted upon. In C the error code is the return value of the MPI function. In Fortran the error code is returned through an error parameter to the MPI subroutine.

MPI_Error_string (int code, char *errstring,

int *resultlen);

Error codes are converted into descriptive strings by MPI_Error_string(). The user provides space for the string that is a minimum of MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING characters in length. The actual length of the returned string is returned through the resultlen argument.

MPI defines a list of standard error codes (also called error classes) that can be examined and acted upon by portable applications. All additional error codes, specific to the implementation, can be mapped to one of the standard error codes. The idea is that additional error codes are variations on one of the standard codes, or members of the same error class. Two standard error codes catch any additional error code that does not fit this intent: MPI_ERR_OTHER (doesn't fit but convert to string and learn something) and MPI_ERR_UNKNOWN (no clue). Again, the goal of this design is portable, intelligent applications.

The mapping of error code to standard error code (class) is done by MPI_Error_class().

MPI_Error_class (int code, int class); MPI provides a mechanism for storing arbitrary information with a communicator. A registered key is associated with each piece of information and is used, like a database record, for storage and retrieval. Several keys and associated values are pre-defined by MPI and stored in MPI_COMM_WORLD.

MPI_TAG_UB maximum message tag value MPI_HOST process rank on user's local processor MPI_IO process rank that can fully accomplish I/O MPI_WTIME_IS_GLOBAL Are clocks synchronized? MPI_UNIVERSE_SIZE #processes to fill machine AttributeCaching


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM All cached information is retrieved by calling MPI_Attr_get() and specifying the desired key.

MPI_Attr_get (MPI_Comm comm, int keyval,

void *attr_val, int *flag);

The flag parameter is set to true by MPI_Attr_get() if a value has been stored the specified key, as will be the case for all the pre-defined keys.

Performance measurement is assisted by MPI_Wtime() which returns an elapsed wall clock time from some fixed point in the past.

double MPI_Wtime (void); Timing


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM LAM / MPI Extensions LAM includes several functions beyond the MPI standard that programmers may find useful during the development phase of a software application. They can be used in the final product, though portability would obviously be compromised. One of the extensions is actually an MPI portable library (see Collective I/O) which can operate with other MPI implementations. This library is a distinct product from LAM and must be obtained and compiled separately. The other extensions are all intrinsic to LAM. Some of the extended routines that integrate naturally with MPI have names that begin with MPIL_. Similar functionality will, in certain cases, be found in later versions of the MPI standard. Other routines, which are distinct from MPI concepts and objects, begin with lam_.


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM lam_rfopen Open a file. lam_rfclose Close a file. lam_rfread Read from a file. lam_rfwrite Write to a file. lam_rflseek Change position in a file. lam_rfaccess Check permissions of a file. lam_rfmkdir Create directory. lam_rfchdir Change working directory. lam_rffstat Get status on file descriptor. lam_rfstat Get status on named file. lam_rfdup Duplicate file descriptor. lam_rfdup2 Duplicate &amp; place file descriptor. lam_rfsystem Issue a shell command. lam_rfrmdir Remove a directory. lam_rfunlink Remove a file. lam_rfgetwd Get working directory. lam_rfftruncate Set length of file descriptor. lam_rftruncate Set length of named file.

A node's file system can be accessed via remote file functions having a POSIX-like interface. LAM does not provide a file system, only remote access to a file system from any node.

File pathnames refer to files on the origin node by default. However, a specific nodeid can be attached to a pathname with the following syntax:

nodeid:path Each LAM process may have a limited number of simultaneously open LAM file descriptors. All LAM file functions involve message-passing using the same links, buffers and other resources as an application.

LAM prohibits opening of slow devices (such as terminals) for input. Some LAM specific features of remote file access are controlled by additional flags in the flags argument of the lam_rfopen() routine. These flags are listed below.

LAM_O_LOCK Lock the file descriptor into the remote file server's open

descriptor cache. See the manual page lam_rfposix(). Remote FileAccess


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM LAM_O_REUSE Reuse existing open file descriptor for matching path

name and open flags - if found. This is useful for asynchronous access to one open file with one file pointer.

LAM_O_1WAY Write to the file without waiting for completion or return

code. This greatly increases write performance but should only be used on a debugged application.

LAM does not conflict with the native operating system's file interface. Thus, open() is a direct UNIX routine (LAM is uninvolved) and operates on the file system of the node on which it is invoked. On remote nodes, a process's pre-opened UNIX standard output (UNIX file handle 1 or stdout) and UNIX standard error (UNIX file handle 2 or stderr) are redirected to LAM as there is no remote terminal. LAM uses the remote file access facility to move data from these two sources to the node and terminal from which the application was launched - the user's local node. It is not possible to read from UNIX standard input (UNIX file handle 0, or stdin) on remote nodes.

Processes on the local node also have access to UNIX standard output and error. Unlike remote processes, local processes can read from UNIX standard input.

The UNIX standard I/O terminations may be redirected by using the normal shell redirections with mpirun. See Executing MPI Programs.

% mpirun my_app &gt; log Portability andStandard I/O


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM CBX_Open Open a file for MPI Cubix access. CBX_Close Close an MPI Cubix file. CBX_Read Read in either single or multiple mode. CBX_Write Write in either single or multiple mode. CBX_Lseek Seek in either single or multiple mode. CBX_Order Change the order of multiple access. CBX_Singl Switch file access to single mode. CBX_Multi Switch file access to multiple mode. CBX_Is_singl Is the file in single mode? CBX_Is_multi Is the file in multiple mode?

MPI Cubix a loosely synchronous, collective I/O library based on a research development of the same name at the California Institute of Technology. This Cubix is integrated with the concepts of MPI communicators and datatypes. The members of a communicator group participate collectively in the I/O operation. Data is transferred as a count of elements of a given datatype, just as in MPI message-passing.

All file access routines eventually translate to POSIX operations on a single file. Only one process in the communicator group invokes the actual POSIX operation. The POSIX file operation bindings are also reflected in the bindings of the MPI Cubix routines, tempered with MPI objects.

There are two different MPI Cubix access methods that solve two common file read/write problems in data parallel programming.

single All processes execute the same file routine with the same

amount of identical data. The data from only one (arbitrary) process is transferred. This is useful when all processes want to read a global value from a file, or write a global value to a file. It is especially convenient during output to a terminal. All nodes print an error message and it appears once on the terminal.

multiple All processes execute the same file routine with different

amounts of different data. All the data from all the processes is transferred, but the order of transfer is strictly controlled. By default, process rank 0 will transfer first and the sequence continues until the highest rank transfers last. This is useful in decomposing a data structure during read so that the right nodes get the right subset of Collective I/O


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM

data and in recomposing a data structure during write so that the data structure is not jumbled.

Without Cubix file access, an application often needs a controlling program to manage the parallel processes and filter I/O. Cubix can eliminate the need for a control program. Without synchronization, a message written by N nodes appears N times on the terminal. A decomposed data structure written to a file appears in a random order.

MPI Cubix file descriptors are distinct from LAM remote file descriptors and the file descriptors of the native operating system. An MPI Cubix file descriptor is returned from CBX_Open(). The access method is chosen by one of the special flags, CBX_O_SINGL or CBX_O_MULTI. The owner of the file, the one process that will operate on it at the POSIX level, is chosen in another argument to CBX_Open().

#include &lt;fcntl.h&gt; #include &lt;cbx.h&gt;

int CBX_Open (const char *name, int flags,

int mode, int owner, MPI_Comm comm); int CBX_Close (int fd);

The access method being used on an open MPI Cubix file can be queried and changed at any time. The change routines are collective. The inquiry routines are not.

int CBX_Multi (int fd); int CBX_Singl (int fd); int CBX_Is_multi (int fd); int CBX_Is_singl (int fd);

CBX_Read() and CBX_Write() transfer data from and to an open MPI Cubix file. An MPI datatype is among the arguments. The length of the data buffer is a count of elements of the given datatype. Only contiguous data is transferred. If the MPI datatype contains holes, they are also transferred.

int CBX_Read (int fd, void *buffer, int count,

MPI_Datatype dtype); int CBX_Write (int fd, void *buffer, int count, MPI_Datatype dtype);


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM The CBX_Order() routine changes the default order of process data transfer in the MPI Cubix multiple method. Each process specifies a unique sequence number from 0 to N-1, where N is the size of the communicator.

int CBX_Order (int fd, int newrank); /* * Read and decompose a 1-D array of reals * across a 1-D array of processes. * First read array size in singl then array in multi. * Assume the array length decomposes evenly. */

static float *data; main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[];


int fd; int glob_len, local_len; int nread; int size;

MPI_Init(&amp;argc, &amp;argv); /* * Open the file first with Cubix single method. * The file will be owned by process rank 0. * This is not an error handling tutorial. */

fd = CBX_Open("data", O_RDONLY | CBX_O_SINGL, 0, 0,


/* * Read the global (total) length of the array. */

CBX_Read(fd, &amp;glob_len, 1, MPI_INT);

/* * Switch to Cubix multiple method. */


/* * Calculate the local length, allocate enough * space and read the local subset of the data. */

MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &amp;size); local_len = glob_len / size; data = (float *) malloc(local_len * sizeof(float));

CBX_Read(fd, data, local_len, MPI_FLOAT); CBX_Close(fd); MPI_Finalize(); } Cubix Example


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM lam_ksignal Install a signal handler. lam_ksigblock Block selected signals. lam_ksigsetmask Set entire blocking mask. lam_ksigretry Retry request after selected signals. lam_ksigsetretry Set entire retry mask. lam_ksigmask Create signal mask.

MPIL_Signal Deliver a signal to a process.

LAM provides a UNIX-like signal package. The signals are different and their usage does not conflict with the underlying operating system.

Some signals are used internally by the system. Some have useful default options and others are completely left to the user. The most useful signal is the one that obliges a process to terminate itself. Signals are defined in &lt;lam_ksignal.h&gt;.

LAM_SIGTRACE unload trace data LAM_SIGUDIE terminate LAM_SIGARREST suspend execution LAM_SIGRELEASE resume execution LAM_SIGA user defined (default ignored) LAM_SIGB user defined (default ignored) LAM_SIGFUSE node about to die LAM_SIGSHRINK another node has died

The lam_ksignal(), lam_ksigblock() and lam_ksigsetmask() functions operate identically to their UNIX counterparts. A LAM or MPI routine interrupted by a signal before completion is automatically retried. With the lam_ksigretry() and lam_ksigsetretry() functions, which operate similarly to lam_ksigblock() and lam_ksigsetmask() respectively, the user can disable automatic system call retry and receive an error code instead.

MPIL_Signal() delivers a signal to a process identified by a communicator and a rank. The signal number argument is taken from the list defined above.

MPIL_Signal (MPI_Comm comm, int rank, int signo); SignalHandling Signal Delivery


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM MPIL_Comm_id Get communicator identifier. MPIL_Comm_gps Get LAM coordinates for an MPI process. MPIL_Type_id Get datatype identifier.

MPIL_Trace_on Enable trace collection. MPIL_Trace_off Disable trace collection.

LAM places great emphasis on debugging through extensive monitoring capabilities. Opaque objects in MPI make it difficult for the user to cross reference the information presented by LAM debugging tools with the values within a running process. If mpitask (See Process Monitoring and Control) shows a process blocked on a communicator, it prints an identifying number for that communicator. The number is not defined by the MPI standard. It is implementation dependent information internal to the opaque communicator which the program cannot access using the standard API.

MPIL_Comm_id() and MPIL_Type_id() return the internal identifiers for communicators and datatypes, respectively.

MPIL_Comm_id (MPI_Comm comm, int *id); MPIL_Type_id (MPI_Comm comm, int *id);

LAM / MPI extensions beginning with the lam_ prefix are LAM-centric. They operate on LAM node and process identifiers, not MPI communicators and ranks. MPIL_Comm_gps() obtains the LAM coordinates from MPI information.

MPIL_Comm_gps (MPI_Comm comm, int rank, int *nid,

int *pid);

Execution trace collection for performance visualization and debugging purposes is enabled by mpirun. See Executing MPI Programs. To avoid information overload and huge trace files, a trace enabled application can toggle on and off actual trace collection so that only interesting phases of the computation are monitored.

MPIL_Trace_On (void); MPIL_Trace_Off (void); Debugging andTracing


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM LAM Command Reference Before running LAM you must establish certain environment variables and search paths for your shell on each machine in the multicomputer. Add the following commands or equivalent to your shell start-up file (.cshrc, assuming C shell). Do not add these to your .login as they would not be effective on remote machines when rsh is used to start LAM.

setenv LAMHOME &lt;LAM installation directory&gt; set path = ($path $LAMHOME/bin)

The local system administrator, or the person who installed LAM, will know the location of the LAM installation directory. After editing the shell startup file, invoke it to establish the new values. This is not necessary on subsequent logins to the UNIX system.

% source .cshrc Each remote machine in the multicomputer must be reachable with the UNIX rsh command. rsh does not prompt for passwords and relies on special files on the remote machine (/etc/hosts.equiv and ~/.rhosts) to gain access. One of these files must be prepared to admit the selected user account for the remote machine. See the UNIX manual page for rsh on how to prepare these files.

Many LAM commands require one or more nodeids. Nodeids are specified on the command line as n&lt;list&gt;, where &lt;list&gt; is a list of comma separated nodeids or nodeid ranges.

GettingStarted Setting Up theUNIX

Environment Node Mnemonics


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM n1 n1,3,5-10

In addition to explicit node identification, LAM has special mnemonics that refer to special nodes or a group of nodes.

h the local node where the command is typed (as in `here') o the origin node where LAM was started with the lamboot command N all nodes C all nodes intended for application computing

Nodeids are established in the LAM multicomputer plan, called a boot schema (see Writing a LAM Boot Schema). LAM nodeids are always numbered consecutively beginning at 0 when the system is first started with lamboot. Thus the number of nodes in the boot schema defines the initial set of nodeids. If nodes are added or subtracted, the contiguous property of nodeids can end. See Adding and Deleting LAM Nodes.

LAM processes can be specified in two ways: by process identifier (from the underlying operating system) or by LAM process index. PIDs are specified on the command line as p&lt;list&gt;, where &lt;list&gt; is a list of comma separated PIDs or PID ranges.

p5158 p5158,5160,5200-5210

Process indices are specified on the command line as i&lt;list&gt;, where &lt;list&gt; is a list of comma separated indices or index ranges.

i8 i8-12,14

MPI processes are normally labelled by the LAM / MPI status reporting commands, mpitask and mpimsg, with their global rank in the MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator. With the possibility of multiple concurrent applications, spawned processes, and the need to use LAM node / process identification with LAM process control commands, a supplementary labelling scheme is available. It is known as the GPS, for Global Positioning System, because it absolutely distinguishes a process from all others in a LAM system. The GPS contains the process index and nodeid.

To print a brief summary of the syntax and options of any LAM command, execute the command with the -h option. ProcessIdentification On-line Help

59 MPI Primer / Developing with LAM % recon -h Detailed information on each command (and most programming functions) is available from on-line manual pages. They are an important supplementary reference to this document. % man recon


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM hcc wrapper for local C compiler hcp wrapper for local C++ compiler hf77 wrapper for local Fortran compiler

Objects and binaries are built with the native compiler and linker available, hopefully, on all of the LAM nodes, or at least on one machine of each architecture and operating system type. The hcc tool is a wrapper that invokes the native C compiler driver (e.g. cc) and provides the paths to the LAM header files and libraries and implicitly links all LAM libraries. The MPI library is linked explicitly. All options presented to hcc are passed through to the native compiler driver.

% hcc -o appl appl.c -lmpi % hcp -o appl appl.c -lmpi

By default, hcc uses the compiler driver that was used to build LAM and specified in the LAM configuration file. A different C compiler can be specified in the LAMHCC environment variable.

In case the C and C++ compilers are different, a separate hcp wrapper is provided for C++.

Unlike the C and C++ wrappers, the Fortran wrapper, hf77, does not insert an option to search LAM's header file directory. This is because not all Fortran compiler drivers support that option and the Fortran include statement may be required instead to bring in the MPI header file, mpif.h. Note that mpif.h is a Fortran source file, but all other LAM header files intended for Fortran use contain C preprocessor code. The C preprocessor may need to be run explicitly if the Fortran driver does not do so automatically.

Care should be taken not to confuse object files and binaries produced on heterogeneous nodes in the multicomputer. In such situations, it can be a good idea to append the machine or CPU name to the object and executable file names in order to distinguish between them.

{sparc}% hcc -o appl.sparc appl.c {sgi}% hcc -o appl.sgi appl.c CompilingMPI Programs


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM recon Verify multicomputer is ready to run LAM. lamboot Start a LAM multicomputer session. tping Check communication to given node. wipe Terminate a LAM session.

The topology of a multicomputer running LAM is a totally connected graph. Thus it is only necessary for the user to specify the machines to be included in the multicomputer in order to start LAM. The boot schema (ASCII file) serves this purpose. See Writing a LAM Boot Schema.

The recon tool verifies that LAM can be started on each intended node. Several conditions must exist before a machine can remotely run the software.

Remote host permission must be provided in either /etc/hosts.equiv or the remote user's .rhosts file.


error when invoked non-interactively.

The lamboot tool starts a LAM session for the individual user. The -v option prints a message before each start-up step is attempted. The boot schema file is the primary argument to lamboot.

% lamboot -v &lt;boot schema&gt; -x Enable fault detection and recovery. Exchange periodic

"heartbeat" messages between all nodes.

LAM considers a node to be dead after repeated retransmissions of a message packet go unacknowledged. By default, no action is taken and retransmissions continue indefinitely. With the -x option to lamboot, LAM initiates a procedure to remove the dead node from the multicomputer. The dead nodeid becomes invalid. All other nodeids remain unchanged - holes may develop in the nodeid list. Finally, a signal is set to all application processes on all nodes, notifying them of the failure. The runtime system of each process must, at a minimum, flush a cached table of nodeids, so that it can read updated information from the LAM daemon. Users can trap this signal

Starting LAM

recon lamboot Fault Tolerance


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM (LAM_SIGSHRINK) and take further action particular to the application. See Signal Handling.

Hands-on control and monitoring are a hallmark of LAM. The simplest command, tping, is a confidence building validity check that begins to dispel the black box nature of parallel environments. tping echoes a message to a destination node, or a multicast destination. It is time to restart the session if this command hangs.

% tping n0 % tping N

To terminate a LAM session, use the wipe tool. To restart LAM after a system failure, execute wipe followed by lamboot.

% wipe -v &lt;boot schema&gt;

tping wipe


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM mpirun Run an MPI application. lamclean Terminate and clean up all LAM processes.

An MPI application is started with one invocation of mpirun. The programs, number of processes and computing resources are specified in an application schema, a separate file whose name is given to mpirun. Simple SPMD applications can be started from the mpirun command line. MPI processes locate each other through the abstract concepts of communicator and process rank. It is mpirun that provides the hard information on nodeids and process IDs to build the pre-defined MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator.

% mpirun -v my_app_schema An application schema contains one line for every different program that constitutes the application. For each program, three important directions are given, using options that duplicate the syntax of the mpirun command line:

-s &lt;nodeid&gt; the node in whose file space the executable program file

can be found - Without this option, LAM is directed to look for programs on the same node where they will run.

&lt;nodeids&gt; the nodes on which the program will run - Without this

option, LAM will use all the nodes.

-c &lt;#&gt; the number of processes to create across the given nodes

These same options are used on the mpirun command line if the application consists of only one program. The presence of one or more of these options tells mpirun that the filename is an executable program. Otherwise the filename is assumed to be an application schema and is parsed accordingly.

# # sample application schema # master h slave N -s h

The above example runs the `master' on the local node (the same node where mpirun is invoked) and `slave' on all the nodes, after taking the `slave' executable file from the local node and shipping it to all nodes. The

Executing MPIPrograms

mpirun ApplicationSchema


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM shipped program is stored in the /tmp directory and deleted when the process dies.

LAM searches for executables files on the source node, as modified by the -s option, by using the list of directories defined by the PATH environment variable. The treatment of a `.' path is special. On the local node invoking mpirun, `.' is the working directory of mpirun. On remote nodes, it is the user's home directory.

Other mpirun options enable powerful functionality within LAM's MPI library.

-c2c Bypass the LAM daemon for MPI communication. Use

an optimal protocol to directly connect MPI processes.

The "client to client" feature of the MPI library derives the most speed1 out of the underlying hardware at the expense of monitoring and control. Messages that have been delivered but not received are buffered with the receiver. It is intended that applications would be debugged first with the daemon and then run in production using direct communication2.

-nger Disable GER protocol that protects message envelope

queues. Do not detect and report resource overflow errors.

The "Guaranteed Envelope Resources" protocol provides the most robust MPI message delivery system. It protects communication between any process pair from interference from a third process. It prevents the posting of send operations that may not be delivered to the receiver due to lack of system resources (envelope resources) and thus fully respects the spirit of MPI's guarantee of message progress, which in turn reduces confusion in debugging ill-behaved applications.

In addition to protecting process-pair envelope queues, GER publishes the size of the queue so that programmers can know how far they can stress this resource before deadlocking or failing. GER fills a serious portability hole in MPI - knowing the resource limitations directly associated with messagepassing. The minimum GER figure for LAM is configured when LAM is

  1. The speed is constrained by the quality of the c2c module within the MPI library. Every machine can benefit from a customized solution. 2. Limits on underlying system resources (like file descriptors for a socket implementation) may constrain the scalability of applications using -c2c.

LocatingExecutable Files

DirectCommunication GuaranteedEnvelope Resources


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM installed. See the manual page on MPI as well as the paper, Robust MPI Message Delivery Through Guaranteed Resources for a more detailed discussion.

-ton, -toff Enable trace collection. Trace collection begins immedi

ately after MPI_Init() with -ton, but is deferred until MPIL_Trace_on() with -toff.

The MPI library can generate execution traces detailing message-passing activity. The data can be used for performance tuning or advanced debugging. Actual trace generation is controlled by two switches, both of which must be in the on position to enable trace generation. Both the -ton and -toff options turn the first switch on for the entire run of the application. With -ton, the second switch begins in the on position after the application calls MPI_Init(). With -toff, the second switch begins in the off position and no traces are generated.

The second switch is toggled with runtime functions. See Debugging and Tracing. The purpose of beginning with the second switch off is to limit tracing to interesting phases of the computation. The purpose of the first switch is to allow an application to be traced without recompilation and to allow an application littered with trace toggling functions to disable tracing altogether and incur minimal overhead.

See Collecting Trace Data for how to assemble a single trace file after running a trace enabled application.

An application that goes awry may leave many processes running or blocked, many messages unconsumed, and many resources allocated throughout the multicomputer. Although there are user interface commands to remove a user presence from every individual subsystem, taking care to invoke them all can become tedious. The lamclean command can be used when no user presence (processes, message, allocations, registrations) is desired on the multicomputer. The user essentially wants to start over without the longer delay of restarting the LAM session.

% lamclean lamclean cannot be used when some or all nodes are not reachable due to catastrophic failure or complete buffer overflow that causes link jamming. If lamclean fails to return, it is time to use the wipe tool. See Starting LAM. It may be reassuring to use the mpitask and mpimsg commands to verify that lamclean did the job.

Trace Collection lamclean


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM mpitask Print status of MPI processes. doom Send a signal to a process.

Monitoring a process's execution state is a major aid in debugging multicomputer applications. This feature helps debug process synchronization and data transfer, the added dimension of parallel programming. The mpitask command prints information on MPI processes. With no arguments, all MPI processes on all nodes are reported. The report can be constrained by specifying nodes and LAM processes.

Consider the following example code, whose only purpose is to demonstrate LAM's monitoring capabilities:

/* * Create an interesting report for mpitask and mpimsg. */ #include &lt;mpi.h&gt;

#define ROWS 10 #define COLS 20

struct cell {

int code; double coords[3]; };

static struct cell mat[ROWS][COLS]; static int blocklengths[3] = {1, 3, 1}; static MPI_Datatype types[3] =


main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[];


int rank, size; MPI_Comm newcomm; MPI_Datatype dt_cell, dt_mat; MPI_Status status;

MPI_Aint base; MPI_Aint displacements[3]; int i, j;

/* * Initialize the matrix. */

for (i = 0; i &lt; ROWS; ++i) {

for (j = 0; j &lt; COLS; ++j) {

mat[i][j].code = i; mat[i][j].coords[0] = (double) i;

ProcessMonitoring and Control mpitask


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM

mat[i][j].coords[1] = (double) j; mat[i][j].coords[2] = (double) i * j } }

MPI_Init(&amp;argc, &amp;argv); /* * Create communicators for sub-groups. */

MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &amp;rank); MPI_Comm_split(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank % 3, 0, &amp;newcomm);

/* * Build derived datatype for 2 columns of matrix. */

MPI_Address(&amp;mat[0][0].code, &amp;displacements[0]); MPI_Address(mat[0][0].coords, &amp;displacements[1]); MPI_Address(&amp;mat[0][1].code, &amp;displacements[2]); base = displacements[0];

for (i = 0; i &lt; 3; ++i) displacements[i] -= base; MPI_Type_struct(3, blocklengths, displacements,

types, &amp;dt_cell); MPI_Type_vector(ROWS, 2, COLS, dt_cell, &amp;dt_mat); MPI_Type_commit(&amp;dt_mat);

/* * Perform a send and a receive that won't be satisfied. */

MPI_Comm_size(newcomm, &amp;size); MPI_Comm_rank(newcomm, &amp;rank);

MPI_Send(&amp;mat[0][0], 1, dt_mat, (rank + 1) % size,

0, newcomm); MPI_Recv(&amp;mat[0][0], 1, dt_mat, (rank + 1) % size,

MPI_ANY_TAG, newcomm, &amp;status);

MPI_Finalize(); return(0); }

Let the program be run with a sufficient number of processes. Then examine the state of the application processes with mpitask.

% mpirun -v -c 10 demo In its default display mode, mpitask prints information under the following headings.

TASK (G/L) an identification of the process - An MPI process is nor mally identified by its rank in MPI_COMM_WORLD, also referred to as the "global" (G) rank. If the process is blocked on a communicator, a `/' followed by its rank

68 MPI Primer / Developing with LAM

within that communicator is appended. This is also referred to as the "local" (L) rank. The name of the program is also printed.

FUNCTION the MPI routine currently being executed PEER|ROOT the source or destination process of a communication

operation, if one is specified under FUNCTION, or the root process of certain collective operations

TAG the message tag of a point-to-point communication COMM the communicator ID being used - See Debugging and

Tracing for how to cross-reference this number with the program's data.

COUNT the number of elements being transferred DATATYPE the datatype ID of each element being transferred

Depending on the MPI routine, some fields may not be applicable and will be left blank. If a process is not currently executing an MPI routine, one of the following execution states may be reported:

&lt;running&gt; free to run on the underlying OS &lt;paused&gt; blocked on lam_kpause() &lt;stopped&gt; stopped by the LAM signal, LAM_SIGARREST &lt;blocked&gt; blocked in a LAM routine - In general this should be a

transitory state.

With spawned processes and even multiple MPI applications running concurrently under the same LAM session, MPI_COMM_WORLD rank is not always an unambiguous identification of an MPI process. LAM has an alternative to the global rank, called the GPS (for Global Positioning System).

% mpitask TASK (G/L) FUNCTION PEER|ROOT TAG COMM COUNT DATATYPE 0/0 demo Recv 3/1 ANY &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt; 2/0 demo Recv 5/1 ANY &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt; 4/1 demo Recv 7/2 ANY &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt; 6/2 demo Recv 9/3 ANY &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt; 8/2 demo Recv 2/0 ANY &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt; 1/0 demo Recv 4/1 ANY &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt; 3/1 demo Recv 6/2 ANY &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt; 5/1 demo Recv 8/2 ANY &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt; 7/2 demo Recv 1/0 ANY &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt; 9/3 demo Recv 0/0 ANY &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt; GPSIdentification


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM -gps Identify MPI processes with the GPS instead of the glo

bal rank, the rank within MPI_COMM_WORLD.

The GPS is comprised of the nodeid on which the process is running, and the LAM process index within that node.1

The MPI communicator and datatype are two opaque objects that are shown as unfamiliar identifiers in the format, &lt;#&gt;. Extended library functions can report the same values from within the running application. See Debugging and Tracing. Information from within communicators and datatypes can be reported by mpitask.

-c Instead of the default report, print communicator infor

mation on all selected processes.

The communicator report contains an identification of the process, as under the TASK heading in the default report. It also contains the size of the communicator and the global ranks (or GPS, with the -gps option) of all processes in the communicator's process group. If it is an inter-communicator, members of both groups are reported.

-d Instead of the default report, print datatype information

on all selected processes.

The datatype report contains an identification of the process, as under the TASK heading in the default report. It also contains a rendering of the datatype's type map, which is not easy to depict with only ASCII characters. The format is hierarchical, with indentation representing a level of datatype derivation. Basic datatypes are written as they are coded. For derived

  1. Application process indices do not start at 0 or 1 because LAM system processes occupy the first several positions.

% mpitask -gps n0 i8 TASK (GPS/L) FUNCTION PEER|ROOT TAG COMM COUNT DATATYPE n0,i8/0 demo Recv n1,i9/1 ANY &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt;


% mpitask -c n0 i8 TASK (G/L): 0/0 demo INTRACOMM: &lt;2&gt; SIZE: 4 GROUP: 0 3 6 9 DatatypeMonitoring


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM datatypes, the constructor type is shown along with information on displacements, blocklengths and block counts. Compare the sample code with the output of mpitask -d.

The number of MPI processes reported by mpitask can be constrained by specifying nodeids and/or process indices on the mpitask command line. Choosing the right nodeids and process indices is obviously facilitated by the GPS reporting. Selecting a single process is particularly useful for communicator and datatype reporting, when many or all of the processes might have the same communicator or datatype to report.

Doom is the command level interface to signal delivery. Node(s) must be specified on the command line. If no processes are specified, all application processes on the selected nodes are signalled. With no other options, doom sends a LAM_SIGUDIE signal. Unfortunately, the user cannot specify signal mnemonics and must give the actual signal number instead. These are listed below.

-1 (LAM_SIGTRACE) unload trace data -4 (LAM_SIGUDIE) terminate -5 (LAM_SIGARREST) suspend execution -6 (LAM_SIGRELEASE) resume execution -7 (LAM_SIGA) reserved for user -8 (LAM_SIGB) reserved for user -9 (LAM_SIGFUSE) node about to die -10 (LAM_SIGSHRINK) another node has died

For example, to suspend process index 8 on node 1, use the following form: % doom n1 i8 -5 Resume the execution of the same process: % doom n1 i8 -6

% mpitask -d n0 i8 TASK (G/L): 0/0 demo DATATYPE: &lt;30&gt;

MPI_VECTOR (10 x 2, 20)


(1, 0) MPI_INT (3, 8) MPI_DOUBLE (1, 32) MPI_UB doom


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM mpimsg Monitor message buffers. bfctl Control message buffers.

A receiving process is usually debugged with the mpitask command, but a sending process transfers a message and returns to a ready state quickly due to the presence of buffers. The mpimsg command is provided to examine buffered messages. With no arguments, all MPI messages on all nodes are reported. The report can be constrained by specifying nodes and processes.

See Process Monitoring and Control for an example program that can send messages that will not be received. These messages can be examined with mpimsg.

In its default display mode, mpimsg prints information under the following headings.

SRC (G/L) an identification of the sending process followed by a `/'

and the process's communicator rank (the "local" rank)

DEST (G/L) an identification of the receiving process followed by a

`/' and the process's communicator rank

TAG the message tag COMM the communicator ID COUNT the number of elements in the message DATATYPE the datatype ID of each element MSG the message ID to use in a contents query

The same communicator and datatype information that is obtainable from processes with mpitask is also obtainable from messages. The difference is that more precision is needed to specify a message, because one process can

MessageMonitoring and Control

mpimsg % mpimsg SRC (G/L) DEST (G/L) TAG COMM COUNT DATATYPE MSG 9/3 0/0 0 &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt; n0,#0 8/2 2/0 0 &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt; n0,#1 1/0 4/1 0 &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt; n0,#2 3/1 6/2 0 &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt; n0,#3 5/1 8/2 0 &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt; n0,#4 7/2 1/0 0 &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt; n1,#0 0/0 3/1 0 &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt; n1,#1 2/0 5/1 0 &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt; n1,#2 4/1 7/2 0 &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt; n1,#3 6/2 9/3 0 &lt;2&gt; 1 &lt;30&gt; n1,#4


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM generate several messages. Instead of process indices, mpimsg requires a message number as a parameter to -c (communicator) or -d (datatype). In fact the information needed by mpimsg is that exactly printed under the MSG heading in the default report: nodeid and message number.

-m &lt;#&gt; Display the contents of the specified message number on

the specified node.

An additional capability unique to message reporting is the display of message contents. The datatype's type map is used to format the data. Offsets at the beginning of each line are from the beginning of the unpacked message. Contiguous blocks of one basic datatype are printed contiguously, with newlines forced between blocks.

The LAM daemon does not continue to allocate buffer space up until the operating system is out of memory. There is a limit after which no additional messages will be accepted until some are consumed. Processes will block in send operations if the required buffer space is not available. When using the default GER protocol (See Executing MPI Programs), mpirun will take care of adjusting the buffer limit according to the guaranteed envelope resources. If this protocol is disabled, the user may need to tune the buffer limit manually. The user can control the maximum size a LAM daemon's buffer pool with the bfctl command.

-s Adjust the upper limit on buffered messages for the

selected nodes.

% bfctl N -s 0x100000


% mpimsg -gps n0 -m 4 MESSAGE: n0,i12/2 #4 00000000: 0 00000008: 0 0 0 00000020: 0 00000028: 0 1 0 00000280: 1 00000288: 1 0 0 000002a0: 1 000002a8: 1 1 1 00000500: 2 ... bfctl


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM lamtrace Collect trace data and store in a file. After a traced application has completed execution, trace data recording communication activity is stored within the LAM daemon across all nodes on which the application ran. There is a limit on how much trace data one LAM daemon will hold. When that limit is reached, the oldest traces are discarded in favour of the newest traces. See Debugging and Tracing for runtime routines that can limit the volume of trace data.

The lamtrace command gathers trace data and stores it into a file, which by convention has the suffix .lamtr.

% lamtrace -v -mpi -mpi Search for an MPI world trace created by the specified


For the most part, lamtrace and the LAM daemon are ignorant of specific trace formats. In order to extract MPI trace data for a particular world communicator group in the presence of several such groups (due to spawned processes or multiple applications), lamtrace understands the format of an administrative trace record produced by LAM's MPI library. In simple situations with one application and no spawned processes, no node or process focus is required. lamtrace searches all nodes and eventually locates the solitary MPI world trace, which is produced by process rank 0 in MPI_COMM_WORLD. However, if trace data from multiple worlds are present, node and possibly process specification must be given on the command line to get the data for the desired world. The right nodeid and process index can be learned from mpitask or inferred from the application schema. For example:

% lamtrace -v -mpi n0 i8 It is entirely possible to unload trace data before the application has completed, with the obvious caveat that incomplete communication at the moment of the unload will be reflected in the trace data.

Trace data remains in the LAM daemon and awaits an unload after an application terminates. If not unloaded, it should be removed before running the next application. This is one of the actions taken by lamclean.

CollectingTrace Data lamtrace


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM lamgrow Add a node to the current LAM session. lamshrink Remove a node.

LAM can be operated in an environment where resource availability is dynamic, perhaps under the control of an external resource manager. LAM is started and an initial set of nodes are established with lamboot. If in the future a resource manager (software or human) decides to modify the current set of nodes belonging to a LAM session, the changes are made with two commands, lamgrow and lamshrink. Both commands must be executed from an existing LAM node.

A new machine is labelled with a nodeid and added to the LAM session with lamgrow. Usage is more restrictive than typical LAM commands.


% lamgrow -v n8 <A HREF="file://buckeye.osc.edu">buckeye.osc.edu</A> If a nodeid is not specified, the next highest LAM nodeid is used. With the power to specify a nodeid, lamgrow can remove the initial property guaranteed by lamboot - that nodeids are consecutive starting from zero.

-x Enable fault tolerant detection and recovery. The deci

sion to use this option generally follows the lamboot invocation.

-c &lt;bhost&gt; Update a boot schema by appending the new machine

name to the host list. This is a simple convenience feature that updates a boot schema for use by wipe.

A single node is removed per invocation of lamshrink. The nodeid and the machine name must be supplied.

% lamshrink -v n8 <A HREF="file://buckeye.osc.edu">buckeye.osc.edu</A> -w &lt;#secs&gt; Signal all application processes on the doomed node

(LAM_SIGFUSE) and pause before continuing. See Signal Handling.

Adding andDeleting LAM


lamgrow lamshrink


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM fstate Get remote filesystem status. fctl Control remote filesystem.

There are commands to monitor and control remote file access (See Remote File Access). fstate prints one line of status information for each open file descriptor.

FD/COUNT global file descriptor handle (not the client handle) and

reference count

FLAGS open flags and status flags (see below) FLOW total amount of I/O in bytes since opening CLIENT nodeid and process ID of last client process NAME filename

The open/status flags are single character mnemonics. R open for read W open for write L locked active A active, currently open in the underlying filesystem I inactive, currently closed in the underlying filesystem

The fctl command has two features. The -s option cleans up and closes a specific file descriptor while the -S option does the same thing for all file descriptors. With no options, fctl prints the current working directory of the remote filesystem. The working directory is changed by giving a new pathname to fctl. In the current release, working directories are kept on a per node basis, not a per process basis.

% fctl -s 4

FileMonitoring and Control


% fstate N NODE FD/COUNT FLAGS FLOW CLIENT NAME n0 (o) 0/0 R|L 0 none /dev/null n0 (o) 1/0 W|L 0 n0/p25825 /dev/ttya n0 (o) 2/0 R|W|L 0 none /dev/ttya fctl


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM bhost.my3suns example host file The topology of a multicomputer is established in the boot schema. The boot schema specifies the identifiers and types of nodes, and the physical machines to be used. It may also contain the user account name on a machine in case it is different from the local username. The boot schema is used by lamboot when starting the LAM session and by wipe when terminating the LAM session. See Starting LAM.

A variety of boot schemata describing different multicomputers may already be available for a given installation. These files are generally found in the directory $LAMHOME/boot. LAM users may need to write their own boot schema since the network often affords many choices. This section describes how to write a boot schema for LAM using the host file syntax. The example multicomputer has three nodes, one of which has a different user account name.

The host file syntax is an extremely simple way of representing the information required in a LAM boot schema. The machines are listed one on each line with an optional user account name (username) following it. The username is required in case the account name on that machine is different from the one on the local machine where lamboot will be invoked. If the username is not given, the local one will be used. The nodeids are determined by the order in which the machines appear in the file, starting with node 0 and proceeding with consecutive node numbers. A line segment following a # character denotes a comment and is thus skipped.

In the three node example, it is assumed that the machines are named "ohio", "osc" and "<A HREF="file://faraway.far.edu">faraway.far.edu</A>" and numbered 0, 1, and 2 respectively. It is also assumed that the user is logged on to node 0, and has the same username on node 1, but a different one (guest) on node 2. Since node 1 has the same username as the local node, there is no need to specify it. The example boot schema using the host file syntax is shown below.

# a 3 node example ohio osc <A HREF="file://faraway.far.edu">faraway.far.edu</A> guest

Writing aLAM Boot

Schema Host File Syntax


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM hboot Start LAM on one node. The lamboot command runs a lower level program that starts LAM on a specific node. Normally, the user will only need to use lamboot. In some special circumstances, when variations in the normal start-up procedure not controllable with lamboot options are desired, the user may wish to manually start the system. By running the low level hboot tool, the user can select options that tailor the start-up to his/her needs and/or bypass some of the complexities of lamboot.

The hboot tool reads a per-node configuration file called a process schema. The process schema contains a list of programs and runtime arguments that will constitute LAM on a node. The default process schema filename for hboot is conf.otb. Lamboot invokes hboot using the conf.lam process schema. Just as the user can create custom boot schemata, he/she can create custom process schemata. They make it easy to reconfigure LAM at the process level. For a complete description of the process schema grammar, see the procschema manual page.

To manually start a LAM session, first consult the boot schema. This file specifies the node identifiers as well as a binding between node identifiers and actual machines. The example boot schema shown below is written with the host file syntax and describes a 3 node multicomputer.

# a 3 node example ohio osc <A HREF="file://faraway.far.edu">faraway.far.edu</A> guest

Each node will be started using the hboot tool, giving each node information about the other nodes in the multicomputer in order to form the fully connected LAM topology. Assuming the user is logged on to machine "ohio", first start LAM locally.

{ohio}% hboot -vc conf.lam -I "-n0 -o0

osc 1 <A HREF="file://faraway.far.edu">faraway.far.edu</A> 2"

Then login to machine "osc" and start LAM on it. {osc}% hboot -vc conf.lam -I "-n1 -o0

ohio 0 <A HREF="file://faraway.far.edu">faraway.far.edu</A> 2"

Low LevelLAM Start-up Process Schema hboot


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM Then login to machine "<A HREF="file://faraway.far.edu">faraway.far.edu</A>" on the account "guest" and start LAM on it.

{faraway}% hboot -vc conf.lam -I "-n2 -o0

<A HREF="file://ohio.here.edu">ohio.here.edu</A> 0 <A HREF="file://osc.here.edu">osc.here.edu</A> 1"

Notice that in this last case the full machine names of "ohio" and "osc" are provided since they are in a different domain than "faraway". The -I option's parameter becomes the value of the $inet_topo variable in the process schema. This variable is used by LAM to ascertain network information.

assumed to be the position from where the user would have invoked lamboot. Many LAM features use the origin node as a default nodeid.

-n the local nodeid

Other than establishing local and remote nodeids, the network information contains machine name / link number pairs for all other nodes. The link number is equivalent to the LAM nodeid. The same procedure may be done using the rsh UNIX tool instead of logging in to each machine. In this case, use the -s option of hboot in order to allow rsh to return when hboot is done.


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM This appendix contains Fortran bindings for the library routines described in this document. All bindings are subroutines unless otherwise noted.

from Initialization: MPI_INIT (ierror)

integer ierror

MPI_FINALIZE (ierror) MPI_ABORT (comm, errcode, ierror)

integer comm, errcode

MPI_COMM_SIZE (comm, size, ierror)

integer comm, size

MPI_COMM_RANK (comm, rank, ierror)

integer comm, rank

from Blocking Point-to-Point: MPI_SEND (buf, count, dtype, dest, tag, comm,

ierror) &lt;type&gt; buf(*) integer count, dtype, dest, tag, comm

MPI_RECV (buf, count, dtype, source, tag, comm,

status, ierror) &lt;type&gt; buf(*) integer count, dtype, source, tag, comm integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)

MPI_GET_COUNT (status, dtype, count, ierror)

integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE), dtype, count

MPI_PROBE (source, tag, comm, status, ierror)

integer source, tag, comm integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)

from Nonblocking Point-to-Point: MPI_ISEND (buf, count, dtype, dest, tag, comm,

request, ierror) &lt;type&gt; buf(*) integer count, dtype, dest, tag integer comm, request

Appendix A:Fortran Bindings


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM MPI_IRECV (buf, count, dtype, source, tag, comm,

request, ierror) &lt;type&gt; buf(*) integer count, dtype, source, tag integer comm, request

MPI_TEST (request, flag, status, ierror)

logical flag integer request, status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)

MPI_WAIT (request, status, ierror)

integer request, status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)

MPI_IPROBE (source, tag, comm, flag, status,

ierror) logical flag integer source, tag, comm integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)

from Message Datatypes: MPI_TYPE_VECTOR (count, blocklength, stride,

oldtype, newtype, ierror) integer count, blocklength, stride integer oldtype, newtype

MPI_TYPE_STRUCT (count, blocklengths,

displacements, dtypes, newtype, ierror) integer count, blocklengths(*) integer displacements(*), dtypes(*), newtype

MPI_ADDRESS (location, address, ierror)

&lt;type&gt; location(*) integer address

MPI_TYPE_COMMIT (dtype, ierror)

integer dtype

MPI_PACK_SIZE (incount, dtype, comm size, ierror)

integer incount, dtype, comm, size

MPI_PACK (inbuf, incount, dtype, outbuf, outsize, position, comm, ierror) &lt;type&gt; inbuf(*), outbuf(*) integer incount, dtype, outsize integer position, comm

81 MPI Primer / Developing with LAM MPI_UNPACK (inbuf, insize, position, outbuf,

outcount, dtype, comm, ierror) &lt;type&gt; inbuf(*), outbuf(*) integer insize, position, outcount integer dtype, comm

from Collective Message-Passing: MPI_BCAST (buf, count, dtype, root, comm, ierror)

&lt;type&gt; buf(*) integer count, dtype, root, comm

MPI_SCATTER (sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype,

recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, root, comm, ierror) &lt;type&gt; sendbuf(*), recvbuf(*) integer sendcount, sendtype, recvcount integer recvtype, root, comm

MPI_GATHER (sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype,

recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, root comm, ierror) integer sendcount, sendtype, recvcount integer recvtype, root, comm

MPI_REDUCE (sendbuf, recvbuf, count, dtype, op,

root, comm, ierror) &lt;type&gt; sendbuf(*), recvbuf(*) integer count, dtype, op, root, comm

from Creating Communicators: MPI_COMM_DUP (comm, newcomm, ierror)

integer comm, newcomm

MPI_COMM_SPLIT (comm, color, key, newcomm, ierror)

integer comm, color, key, newcomm

MPI_COMM_FREE (comm, ierror)

integer comm

MPI_COMM_REMOTE_SIZE (comm, size, ierror)

integer comm, size

MPI_INTERCOMM_MERGE (intercomm, high, intracomm, ierror)

82 MPI Primer / Developing with LAM

integer intercomm, intracomm logical high

from Process Topologies: MPI_CART_CREATE (oldcomm, ndims, dims, periods,

reorder, newcomm, ierror) integer oldcomm, ndims, dims(*), newcomm logical periods(*), reorder

MPI_CART_RANK (comm, coords, rank, ierror)

integer comm, coords(*), rank

MPI_CART_COORDS (comm, rank, maxdims, coords,

ierror) integer comm, rank, maxdims, coords(*)

MPI_CART_SHIFT (comm, direction, distance,

rank_source, rank_dest, ierror) integer comm, direction, distance integer rank_source, rank_dest

from Dynamic Processes: MPI_SPAWN (program, argv, maxprocs, info, root,

comm, intercomm, ierrors, ierror) character*(*) program, argv(*) integer info, maxprocs, root, comm integer intercomm, ierrors(*)

from Miscellaneous MPI Features: MPI_ERRHANDLER_CREATE (errfunc, handler, ierror)

external errfunc integer handler

MPI_ERRHANDLER_SET (comm, handler, ierror)

integer comm, handler

MPI_ERROR_STRING (code, errstring, resultlen,

ierror) integer code, resultlen character*(*) errstring

MPI_ERROR_CLASS (code, class, ierror) integer code, class

83 MPI Primer / Developing with LAM MPI_ATTR_GET (comm, keyval, attrval, flag, ierror)

integer comm, keyval, attrval logical flag

double precision MPI_WTIME()

from Remote File Access: lamf_rfopen (lamfd, file, flags, modes, ierror)

integer lamfd, flags, modes character*(*) file

lamf_rfclose (lamfd, ierror)

integer lamfd

lamf_rfread (lamfd, buf, length, nread, ierror)

integer lamfd, length, nread &lt;type&gt; buf(*)

lamf_rfwrite (lamfd, buf, length, nwritten,

ierror) integer lamfd, length, nwritten &lt;type&gt; buf(*)

from Collective I/O: CBX_OPEN (file, flags, mode, owner, comm, cbxfd,

ierror) character*(*) file integer flags, mode, owner, comm, cbxfd

CBX_CLOSE (cbxfd, ierror)

integer cbxfd

CBX_READ (cbxfd, buf, count, dtype, nread, ierror)

integer cbxfd, count, dtype, nread &lt;type&gt; buf(*)

CBX_WRITE (cbxfd, buf, count, dtype, nwritten,

ierror) integer cbxfd, count, dtype, nwritten &lt;type&gt; buf(*)

CBX_LSEEK (cbxfd, offset, whence, ierror)

integer cbxfd, offset, whence

CBX_MULTI (cbxfd, ierror) integer cbxfd

84 MPI Primer / Developing with LAM CBX_SINGL (cbxfd, ierror)

integer cbxfd

CBX_IS_MULTI (cbxfd, result, ierror)

integer cbxfd logical result

CBX_IS_SINGL (cbxfd, result, ierror)

integer cbxfd logical result

CBX_ORDER (cbxfd, newrank, ierror)

integer cbxfd, newrank

from Signal Handling: MPIL_SIGNAL (comm, rank, signo, ierror)

integer comm, rank, signo

from Debugging and Tracing: MPIL_COMM_ID (comm, id, ierror)

integer comm, id

MPIL_COMM_GPS (comm, rank, nodeid, pid, ierror)

integer comm, rank, nodeid, pid

MPIL_TYPE_ID (dtype, id, ierror)

integer dtype, id MPIL_TRACE_ON (ierror) MPIL_TRACE_OFF (ierror)


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM The trivial example program from Programming Tutorial is shown here in Fortran.

c c Transmit a message in a two process system. c

program trivial

#include &lt;mpif.h&gt;

integer*4 BUFSIZE parameter (BUFSIZE = 64) integer*4 buffer(BUFSIZE) integer rank, size integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)

c c Initialize MPI. c

call MPI_INIT(ierror)

c c Error check the number of processes. c Determine my rank in the world group. c The sender will be rank 0 and the receiver, rank 1. c

call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD, size, ierror)

if (size .ne. 2) then

call MPI_FINALIZE(ierror) stop endif

call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, ierror) c c As rank 0, send a message to rank 1. c

if (rank .eq. 0) then

call MPI_SEND(buffer(1), BUFSIZE, MPI_INTEGER, + 1, 11, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierror)

c c As rank 1, receive a message from rank 0. c


call MPI_RECV(buffer(1), BUFSIZE, MPI_INTEGER, + 0, 11, MPI_COMM_WORLD, status, + ierror)


call MPI_FINALIZE(ierror) stop end

Appendix B:Fortran ExampleProgram


MPI Primer / Developing with LAM MPI Primer /

<A HREF="http://www.osc.edu/lam.html<A HREF="ftp://ftp.osc.edu/pub/lamMoreInformation">ftp://ftp.osc.edu/pub/lamMoreInformation</A>">http://www.osc.edu/lam.html<A HREF="ftp://ftp.osc.edu/pub/lamMoreInformation">ftp://ftp.osc.edu/pub/lamMoreInformation</A></A> Ohio Supercomputer Center 1224 Kinnear Road Columbus, OH 43212lam@tbag.osc.edu


This document is protected by copyright. Authors: GDB/RBDCopyright

Copyright 1996 The Ohio State Universityc

Developing with LAM Acknowledgment LAM documentation is supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant CCR-9510016.
