Where to Get It:

The tth home page.

Compiling it:

Compiles right out of the box, with just

gcc -o tth tth.c

Basic operation:

Say your input file is s.tex. Then type

tth < s.tex > s.html

If you have cross-references, e.g. \ref and \tableofcontents, you need to run latex first, and use the .aux file:

tth -Ls < s.tex > s.html

You probably don't have to run latex multiple times, though, in generating the .aux file, since tth won't use the page numbers.

Viewing Math:

If your LaTeX document contains any math, users of older versions of Netscape on X11 platforms may have to take one small extra step in order to fully view your math: They may need to add a line

Netscape*documentFonts.charset*adobe-fontspecific:   iso-8859-1

to ~/.Xdefaults or ~/.Xresources, and execute something like

xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults

(and put it in their X11 startup file). The change will take effect the next time you start up Netscape.) Click here for details if needed.

Including Postscript Files:

Say you have files z.tex and x.ps (tth does not allow you to have more than one dot in name). If you have already converted x.ps to x.gif in same directory (say by using xv), type

tth -Lz -e2 < z.tex > z.html

(Can also use other methods of including Postscript, e.g. \includegraphics.)