How to Use It:
The key is the file ltoh.specs, which is very easy to customize. Colons are used as delimiters.
:comm :\it:::
This says that when ltoh encounters the parameterless command \it (the notation :comm means parameterless), then put nothing in the HTML file.
Here is another example:
:{} :\date:<EM>:>:
This means \date is a single-parameter command with the parameter enclosed by braces; ltoh will put just after the left brace and > (same as in HTML) just before the right brace.
@{} @\footnote@<font size=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>Note: @</>@
an empty definition for a LaTeX macro \metakeywords having one parameter. Later, just after \maketitle, put
\metakeywords{pollution California environmentalists}
and in ltoh.specs put
:{} :\metakeywords:<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT=":">:
Here is my whole list (as of 1/19/98):
# added by NM :comm :\setlength[^\n]+::: :comm :\oddsidemargin::: :comm :\evensidemargin::: :comm :\topmargin::: :comm :\headheight::: :comm :\headsep::: :comm :\textwidth::: :comm :\textheight::: :comm :\parskip::: :comm :\columnseprule::: :comm :\thefootnote::: :comm :\arabic::: :comm :\it::: :comm :\bf::: @{} @\thanks@<font size=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>footnote: @</>@ :comm :\maketitle::: :{} :\date:<EM>:</>: