POSYBL(1L)        Misc. Reference Manual Pages         POSYBL(1L)

     posybl - library routines for using the POSYBL (a free Linda
     implementation for Unix Networks)

     These routines implement the Linda model of paralleling pro-
     gramming and allow C programmers to issue tuple space opera-
     tions to the Tuple Managers.

     init(rungroup, nodefile)
     int rungroup;
     char *nodefile;

          Specifies that this process  belongs  to  the  rungroup
          POSYBL  Program and that is going to load the node list
          from the file nodefile. In case, nodefile is  NULL  the
                        --------           --------
          routine  searches  for  the file ~/.nodefile and if not
          found for ./.nodefile.  If this routine is not  called,
          the  process  rungroup  is  supposed  to  be  0 and the
          default files are loaded.

     out(tuple description)

          Write a tuple to the tuple space.  The  tuple  descrip-
          tion is given by the use of the field description func-

     in(template description)
     rd(template description)

          Request a tuple that  matches  the  template  from  the
          tuple  space.  With in(), the tuple is deleted from the
          tuple space.  With  rd(),  it  remains.   The  template
          description  is  given by the use of the field descrip-
          tion functions. You must remember that the first  field
          of a template is should always be an actual since it is
          used as a key for storing the tuples in a hash table.

     eval l(arg0, arg1,...,argn, NULL),
     char *arg0,...,*argn;
     eval v(argv)
     char **argv;
     eval nl(node, arg0,...,argn, NULL)
     char *node, *arg0,...,*argn;
     eval nv(node, argv)
     char *node;
     char **argv;

          A 'rsh' invocation of an executable. It's doubtful,  if
          you  can call this function eval(). The first two forms
          invoke the executable in the least loaded node, if  the
          nodes  support  get rusage()  calls or the one with the

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POSYBL(1L)        Misc. Reference Manual Pages         POSYBL(1L)

          highest preference value otherwise. In  the  last  two,
          the  node  must  be  specified by the user.  You should
          remember that the programs started with  this  way  can
          print  in  the  terminal but they cannot wait for input
          from the terminal.  All input  to  them  should  either
          from  the arguments to these calls or through the tuple
          space (the initial process should  ask  for  input  and
          then would send it to the one that needs it).

     <type> var;
     <type> *varptr;
     ln<type>(array, length);
     <type> *array;
     int length;
     ln<type>(arrayptr, lengthptr);
     <type> **arrayptr;
     int *lengthptr;

          Field description functions. They are used to  describe
          the  fields  in  a tuple access call. The <type> can be
          one of char, short, int, float, double and string.  The
                 ----  -----  ---  -----  ------     ------
          form  l<type> specifies that a field is a scalar actual
                - ----
          field.  The argument var to these routines is  a  vari-
          able  (or  constant) of the appropriate <type> The form
          ql<type> specifies that a  field  is  a  scalar  formal
          -- ----
          field.  These  routines are used to describe the formal
          fields, only, of a template, since  formal  fields  are
          not  allowed  in  tuples.  The argument varptr to these
          routines  is  the  address  of  a   variable   of   the
          corresponding  type  and in which the tuple's data will
          be copied. If you are not interested in the  data,  you
          should  pass  the  NULL  pointer as argument.  The form
          ln<type> specifies that a  field  is  a  vector  actual
          -- ----
          field.   The  argument  array  to  these  routines is a
          pointer to a data area that contains  length  elements.
          We must note that the <string> scalar type doesn't have
          a corresponding vector type.  The form qln<type> speci-
                                                 --- ----
          fies  that a field is a vector formal field.  The argu-
          ment arrayptr is  the  address  of  a  pointer  to  the
          corresponding  type  and  the argument lengthptr is the
          address of an int, in which the number of  elements  of
          the  array will be copied. If you are not interested in
          the data and/or their length, you should pass the  NULL
          pointer  as  argument.  The address in arrayptr is in a
          static area that will be overwritten after another call
          to in(), rd() or out().  In order, to pass user defined
          structures a simple way is the following:

          struct ex {
               int iv;

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POSYBL(1L)        Misc. Reference Manual Pages         POSYBL(1L)

               float fv;
               char *st;

          #define lex(a) lint(a.iv),lfloat(a.fv),lstring(a.st)
          #define qlex(a) qlint(&((a)->iv)),qlfloat(&((a)->fv)),qlstring(&(a)->st)

          struct example tst;
          out(lint(10), lex(tst));
          in(lint(10), qlex(&tst));

     copychars(dest, src, len)
     char *dest;
     char *src;
     int len;
     copyshorts(dest, src, len)
     short *dest;
     short *src;
     int len;
     copyints(dest, src, len)
     int *dest;
     int *src;
     int len;
     copyfloats(dest, src, len)
     float *dest;
     float *src;
     int len;
     copydoubles(dest, src, len)
     double *dest;
     double *src;
     int len;

          Analogous to memcpy() function. Copy len elements  from
          src  to  dest. In fact, copychars() is a direct call to
          ---      ----
          memcpy(). But,  copyints()  is  generally  faster  than
          memcpy() and I find them more convenient than memcpy().

     timer start();
     timer split(str);
     char *str;
     print times();

          These routines are intended for gathering timing infor-
          mation  about  your  program. The routine timer start()
          resets the system. The routine  timer split()  keeps  a
          note of the time it is called and attaches str to it as
          a label. The routine print times() prints the notes  it
          has  kept by the time it is called. Time information is
          kept in elapsed time. up to 32 time notes can be kept.


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POSYBL(1L)        Misc. Reference Manual Pages         POSYBL(1L)


     NodeFile(1L), startup(1L), system(1L), tmanager(1L)

BUGS (Some call them features)
     Numerous, I guess. I just haven't find them yet.

     Ioannis Schoinas, sxoinas@csd.uch.gr

     I would like to thank everybody that helped  me  in  writing
     this  program  and  especially  I. Kavaklis for offering his
     ideas, some pieces of code, demo programs, and for being the
     first subject to test this system.

     Linda, is a trademark of SCA, Inc.

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