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Our base machines will be those in the CS instructional labs (CSIF). If you pre-enrolled in this course, or if you took a CS course last quarter, you should already have an account. If you added the course, there will be a slight delay in getting you an account. Your account name will be your surname, and if that is not unique, it will be your surname followed by your first initial. Your initial password will be the last eight digits of your student number; change it immediately, using yppasswd. Note that all the instructional machines share a common file system, so you can access the files from any machine.

We may also use the computers in the ACS Lab, which is in Room 1114 in the Academic Surge building (two buildings away from Bainer Hall, south). They are Sun Microsystems SPARCStations and HP workstations. The SPARCs are all named after Mexican foods: burrito, enchilada, fajita and so on. Please do not use rosarita, which acts as the file server. Accounts will be set up for you on these machines (CSE majors already have accounts). If you add the class late, you may have to go to ACS and ask for an account individually. Your account name will consist of your first two initials, followed by your surname; e.g. if John Paul Jones were enrolled in our course, his account name would be jpjones. Note, though, that account names are truncated to 8 characters; e.g. if Mary Ellen Johnson were enrolled, her account name would be mejohnso. Your initial password is your student ID number (without hyphens); please change it the first time you log in, using the passwd command. These machines also share a common file system, though of course not the same one as for the CS instructional machines.

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Norm Matloff