To: H-1B/L-1/offshoring e-newsletter Mon Jan 28 21:45:28 PST 2013 Nice blog by John Cassidy at the New Yorker, He still in the dark, like most members of the press on foreign tech worker issues, but I must say he shows remarkable insight. He asks, for instance, whether legislation on high-skilled immigration should cover ALL fields in STEM. Unfortunately, though, he seems to think that the computer field is deserving, a misguided view. Even more unfortunately, he treats math and statistics as "undeserving"--a view I don't take kindly to, as someone with a PhD in math who is a former statistics professor. :-) But Cassidy does see that there would be people negatively impacted by the bill, e.g. in wage erosion, and that the bill would be abused. And Cassidy also understands that there is a different between "foreign worker" and "foreign born." Lots of foreign born are naturalized U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Norm